Corpus Refs: | Higgins/1987:19 Macalister/1949:529 |
Site: | TGENE |
Discovery: | first mentioned, 1938 MacNeill, E. |
History: | |
Geology: | Higgins/1987, 288: `limestone'. |
Dimensions: | 0.55 x 0.35 x 0.0 (Higgins/1987) |
Setting: | in struct |
Location: | earliest Higgins/1987, 288: `This incorporated in the south side of the structure [a church] which is a modern erection...Its original position, presumably in the graveyard outside, is also unknown'. |
Form: | cross-slab Higgins/1987, 288: `a flat, worn slab'. |
Condition: | complete , good Macalister/1949, 5: `the bottom slightly broken'. Higgins/1987, 288: `The stone may have been recumbent at some stage and this would explain its worn condition. It was put in its present position during a clean-up of the site by the O.P.W. The carving seems to be more or less complete, and although it is worn smooth, it is generally in good condition. The bottom of the stone is incomplete and the top embedded in the concrete `mensa' of the altar making accurate measurements impossible'. |
Folklore: | none |
Crosses: | 1: latin; linear; straight; expanded; plain; none; none; none; plain |
Decorations: | Macalister/1949, 5: `a plain one-line cross having triangular expansions to the terminals'. |
Macalister, R.A.S. (1949): | BEN[--]TDIE[--]F[--]AN[--]S[--]
C[-]AN Expansion: BENDACHT DIE FOR ANMAIN SANCTAN Translation: The blessing of God upon the soul of Sanctan. Expansion: BENDACHT DIE FOR ANMAIN SCANDLAN Translation: The blessing of of God upon the soul of Scandlan. Macalister/1945 5 concise discussion |
Higgins, J.G. (1987): | BEN~T~ || DIE | F~AN~ || SC ~A~N Expansion: BENDACHT DIE FOR ANMAIN SCANDLAN Higgins/1987 288, Fig. 19, Plate 12B concise discussion |
Orientation: | horizontal |
Position: | n/a ; broad ; beside cross ; quadrant Higgins/1987, 288: `An inscription is distributed across the four cantons of the cross'. Macalister/1949, 5, notes the `unusual clockwise direction' of the inscription. |
Incision: | pocking |
Date: | None published |
Language: | Goidelic (rbook) |
Ling. Notes: | none |
Palaeography: | CISP: The lettering is Insular half-uncial. The A's are in the 'OC' form and they also have squarish bows. The B has a wedge-shaped finial, as well as a curved ascender and a closed bow. The T and I also appear to have wedge-shaped finials. The Es are in the closed minuscule form and the Ns are also minuscule. The T is half-uncial with a curved ascender and a flat top stroke. The D has an ascender which bends to the left over a close bow. The S is mistakenly shaped like the half-uncial F and the C and A are conjoined. |
Legibility: | good |
Lines: | 2 |
Carving errors: | n |
Doubtful: | no |