Corpus Refs:Davies/etal/2000:I6
Discovery:arch excav, 1994 Meuret, J.-C.
History:Davies et al/2000, 283: `In August 1994, preparatory to the construction of a garage, some slate cist-graves were discovered in the bourg of Retiers, apparently much disturbed. ...

A year later, a site assessment preliminary to constructing a parking lot revealed four dug graves and another slate-lined grave. Six months after that, in February 1996, another three dug graves and a further slate-lined grave were revealed; some Roman-period tegulae were found in the neighbourhood of the burials. The left-hand panel of grave S3, the southernmost of the three graves found in parcel no. 147 in 1994, south of the garage, bore an inscription, which was revealed when the panel was washed [Meuret/1998: 85--89].

The stone was examined by members of the CISP team in May 1997 and June 1999, and the site was visited at the latter date.'

Geology:Davies et al/2000, 284: `good quality blue slate'.
Dimensions:1.61 x 0.39 x 0.03 (Davies/etal/2000)
Location:SRAB store, Rennes
Davies et al/2000, 282: `SRAB store' in Rennes.
Davies et al/2000, 284: `The panel bearing the inscription consists of a single trapezoidal slab of slate, measuring 161cm by 39.5cm at its widest and 3.2cm thick at its thickest point.'
Condition:complete , good

Davies et al/2000, 286: `The cross is … composed of two diagonal lines 26cm and 29cm long, irregularly and carelessly formed'.



RTIER/1/1     Pictures


Meuret, J.-C. (1998):W/ELITA
Meuret/1998 97--98 reading only
Davies, W. et al. (1999):{M}/ELITA
Davies/etal/2000 286 reading only


Position:n/a ; broad ; beside cross ; undivided
Davies et al/2000, 284--86: `The incision is shallow, barely 0.1cm deep. Regular holes, 0.2cm in diameter, were drilled as a precaution against splitting for all letters but the T.'
Date:450 - 699 (Davies/etal/2000)
Davies et al/2000, 288: `In view of the date of the cemetery and of the lettering, and in the absence of grave goods, there seems no reason to date this carving any more precisely than between the late 5th and early 7th century inclusive'.
Language:name only (rcaps)
Ling. Notes:none
Palaeography:Davies et al/2000, 286: `This tiny inscription is in capitals. The legs of the up-side-down M are quite widely spread, the final stroke thereby giving the E with which it is ligatured a decided lean to the right. The L has an oblique 'foot' much like that seen at Bais [BAIS/1]. This is a common early medieval letter form, as is the final angle-bar A. The I after the L is vertical, and the T has a very short ascender. It is not possible to be overly specific about the dating of this inscription, but a date from the second half of the 5th century, to the early 7th century, seems likely.

Bischoff states that the letter form W did not begin to be used until the 11th century, the form VV being used before this. It is therefore much more likely that the initial letter is an up-side-down M than a W. An up-side-down M occurs on an inscription from Castle Dore in Cornwall, and another on a 5th-century inscription from Tarragona; the latter was immediately corrected by an M the right way up [CDORE/1].

Carving errors:1

