Corpus Refs: | Macalister/1949:1083 McManus/1991:ii |
Site: | RTHKE |
Discovery: | first mentioned, 1949 Raftery, B. |
History: | Macalister/1949, 196: `Three Ogham-inscribed stones, also found in a souterrain'. McManus/1991, 68: `These inscriptions, one of which was published by Macalister in 1949 from a copy supplied by Dr Raftery, were found in a souterrain...The first serves as a lintel in the entrance chamber'. |
Geology: | |
Dimensions: | 0.0 x 0.0 x 0.0 (Unknown) |
Setting: | in struct |
Location: | earliest McManus/1991, 68: `serves as a lintel in the entrance chamber'. |
Form: | Incomplete Information |
Condition: | inc , inc |
Folklore: | none |
Crosses: | none |
Decorations: | no other decoration |
Macalister, R.A.S. (1949): | COMMA[GGA]AGNIM[-- | --]ISAMMNN[-- Expansion: COMMA[GGA]AGNI M[-- --]I SAMMNN[-- Macalister/1949 197 reading only |
McManus, D. (1991): | COMMAGGAGNIM[!U][-- | --]ISA[MM^G]NN Expansion: COMMAGGAGNI MU[CO]I SAMMNN Expansion: COMMAGGAGNI MU[CO]I SAGNN McManus/1991 68 reading only |
Orientation: | vertical up down |
Position: | N ; arris ; n/a ; undecorated CISP: Starting on the north and finishing on the south angle. |
Incision: | inc |
Date: | None published |
Language: | Goidelic (ogham) |
Ling. Notes: | See McManus/1991, 94, 107, 112, 118. |
Palaeography: | Macalister/1949, 197: `The blank in the first word is filled with scores which would give GGA, the G's being drawn vertically to the stem-line, unlike the other M-group letters in the inscription. The second word may be restored as MAQI or MUCOI. It is not Dr. Raftery's fault that there should be these ambiguities attaching to his transcripts; in present conditions no complete certainty is attainable in the case of this inscription'. McManus/1991, 68: `On the north angle the name COMMAGGAGNI can be read without any difficulty and is followed by an M and one vowel score. The stone is embedded in masonry at this point but a further two vowel scores (they did not feel like H-series scores, i.e. MAQI) can be felt, suggesting that we have to do with an X MUCOI Y formula. On the southern angle, reading in the opposite direction, the letters I SAMM (or G?) NN can be read clearly and the final N appears to complete the inscription. Nothing can be seen before the I but it is possible, if not probable, that CO should be read here'. |
Legibility: | good Macalister/1949, 196: `I understand until they can be released from the masonry in which they are embedded, it is impossible to obtain adequate readings of them, especially as the soutterrain appears to be extremely awkward to work in. Dr. Raftery has furnished me with a copy of one of them [this one]'. McManus/1991, 68: `What can be seen of the first stone, the larger of the two, is perfectly legible'. |
Lines: | 2 |
Carving errors: | 0 |
Doubtful: | no |