Corpus Refs:Macalister/1949:915
Okasha/Forsyth/2001:Reask 2
Discovery:first mentioned, 1848 Windele, J.
History:Fanning/1981, 142--143: `This...stone was removed to Adare Manor, Co. Limerick, c. 1855 and until recently stood in the manor grounds. Through the kind offices of Lord and Lady Dunraven it has now been transferred back to Reask and re-erected on the site just south of stone A [REASK/1] would appear from the manuscripts of John Windele...[that the stone is] represented on the first edition of the O.S. 6 inch map for the area...[from] the 1830s'.

Okasha/Forsyth/2001, 179: `The stone was at Reask in September 1848 when Windele revisited Reask ... [In 1865] Quin stated that the stone, with others, was `brought to Adare about ten years ago', that is around 1855 ... According to Petrie, the stone ... `was found by Lord Dunraven, not in situ but lying in an open field in the neighbourhood' ... Fanning notes an OS Memorandum which substantiates this provenance ... In 1971, the stone was standing 'in a grove of trees in the manor grounds [at Adare] ... but by 1975 it had been returned to Reask'.

Geology:Fanning/1981, 142: `sandstone'.
Dimensions:1.14 x 0.18 x 0.14 (Okasha/Forsyth/2001)
Setting:in ground
Location:on site
Fanning/1981, 142--143: `re-erected on the site just south of stone A [REASK/1]'.

Okasha/Forsyth/2001, 178: `The stone stands in the early ecclesiastical site, a little to the east of Reask 1 [REASK/1]'.

Okasha/Forsyth/2001, 179: `The stone is a small, slender pillar of sandstone, probably roughly shaped and dressed'.
Condition:complete , good
Okasha/Forsyth/2001, 179, refers to signs of wear on the north face of the stone.
Crosses:1: latin; outline; straight; plain; plain; none; none; other; plain
2: latin; outline; straight; plain; plain; none; none; none; plain

Fanning/1981, 142--143: `a simple Latin cross...which has a slightly expanded terminal...There is a small dot in each angle of the cross arms, traces of two others on the top of the stone and another in the centre of the letter O'.

Okasha/Forsyth/2001, 179: `The two sides are plain except for a substantial rectangular slot on the north face which bears signs of wear. The west and east faces are both carved with simialr linear Latin crosses whose arms and head extend to the edge of the stone. The grooving of the crosses is deeper and wider than that of the texts.

The cross on the east face measures 41 cm by 13 cm and has a shaft which merges with the last letter of the text. There is a small dot in each angle of the cross and two others, one on either side of the top of the upper arm'.



REASK/2/1     Pictures


Macalister, R.A.S. (1949):JHB
Macalister/1949 97 reading only
Fanning, T. (1981):DNS
Fanning/1981 142 reading only
Okasha and Forsyth (1999):DNS
The Lord.
Okasha/Forsyth/2001 179 reading only


Orientation:vertical down
Position:n/a ; broad ; below cross ; undivided
Okasha/Forsyth/2001, 179: `incised beneath the cross on this face and following the line of the cross shaft. The text is complete and reads vertically downwards in one line with the bottoms of the letters to the viewer's left'.
Date:566 - 633 (Okasha/Forsyth/2001)
Okasha/Forsyth/2001, 180: `late sixth or early seventh century'.
Language:Latin (rbook)
Ling. Notes:Okasha/Forsyth/2001, 180: `dns for the Latin D(omi)n(u)s, 'Lord''.
Palaeography:Okasha/Forsyth/2001, 179: `half-uncial script'.

CISP: The lettering is in half-uncial. The ascender of the D is vertical, but unlike REASK/1 the bow is closed. The ascender also extends below the level of the bow. The N is again H-shaped, while the S is half-uncial.

Okasha/Forsyth/2001, 179: `clearly legible'.
Carving errors:0



REASK/2/2     Pictures


Macalister, R.A.S. (1949):HNO
Macalister/1949 97 reading only
Fanning, T. (1981):DNO
Fanning/1981 142 reading only
Okasha and Forsyth (1999):DNO
To / from the Lord.
Okasha/Forsyth/2001 179 reading only


Orientation:vertical up
Position:n/a ; broad ; below cross ; undivided
Okasha/Forsyth/2001, 179: `incised beneath the cross and following the line of the cross shaft. The text is complete and reads vertically upwards in one line with the bottom of the letters to the viewer's right'.
Okasha/Forsyth/2001, 180: `The final letter, O, has a dot in its middle which Fanning interpreted as the trace of a compass used in its execution'.
Date:566 - 633 (Okasha/Forsyth/2001)
Okasha/Forsyth/2001, 180: `late sixth or early seventh century'.
Language:Latin (rbook)
Ling. Notes:Okasha/Forsyth/2001, 180: `dno for D(omi)no. The text is an abbreviated form of the Latin dative or ablative Domino, `to/from the Lord'.
Palaeography:Okasha/Forsyth/2001, 179: `half-uncial script ... although the D ... is of an unusual shape'.

CISP: The initial D is unusual in form. It is in the shape of a square with the vertical strokes extending both above and below the horizontal strokes. The N, unlike the others from Reask, is not H-shaped, but is made up of three straight strokes, two vertical and the third joining these together at the top. The O is circular with a dot in the middle. For this see above under technique. It is difficult to judge the script of this inscription, but decorative capitals might be a better description than half-uncial.

Okasha/Forsyth/2001, 179: `clearly legible'.
Carving errors:0

