Corpus Refs: | Huebner/1876:138 Macalister/1945:387 Nash-Williams/1950:95 RCAHMW/1964:1674 |
Site: | LLNR2 |
Discovery: | first mentioned, 1856 Jones, H.L. |
History: | Anon/1877, 329: `Another party made for the inscribed stones at Penprys near Llannor. One of these was found serving as a gatepost to the entrance of the churchyard, and had been in consequence much damaged'. Westwood/1876, 181: `In the year 1856, and again in 1863, the Rev. H. L. Jones made a series of rubbings of an inscribed stone used as the western jamb of the churchyard gate on the south side of Llannor Church, near Pwlhelli. These rubbings were sent to me'. Rhys/1905, 84: `The stone is in the churchyard of Llannor, where it had formerly been one of the gate-posts'. Macalister/1945, 366: `Found on the farm of Penprys, near Llanor; now standing in the church porch'. RCAHMW/1964, 82: `(1674) Stone in the porch of Parish Church...First reported in 1877...and assumed to have come from the same spot as No. 1675 [LLNR3/1 and LLNR3/2]. However, the fact that it had been utilised without the inscription being recognised makes it likely that it was found lying close at hand, probably in the churchyard itself'. |
Geology: | RCAHMW/1964, 82: `slate'. |
Dimensions: | 1.52 x 0.41 x 0.3 (converted from Macalister/1945) |
Setting: | in ground |
Location: | on site RCAHMW/1964, 82: `Stone in the porch of Parish Church'. |
Form: | plain Nash-Williams/1950, 90: `Rough pillar stone (with gate-hanger holes in face)'. RCAHMW/1964, 82: ` one end set in the floor; a rough slate pillar, 5 ft. high (above floor), 18 ins. wide, tapering to 11 ins. at ends, 13 ins. thick, drilled for gate, four of the holes damaging the inscription'. |
Condition: | complete , some Some damage to the stone from gate-hanger holes, and the surface is worn and scaled (Macalister/1945, 366). |
Folklore: | none |
Crosses: | none |
Decorations: | no other decoration |
Rhys, J. et al. (1877): | FIGVLINIFILI | LOCV[--]TI | HICIACIT Expansion: FIGVLINI FILI LOCV[--]TI HIC IACIT Anon/1877 329 reading only |
Westwood, J.O. (1879): | FIGVLINIFILI | LOCV[--]EI | HICIACIT Expansion: FIGVLINI FILI LOCV[--]EI HIC IACIT Westwood/1876 181 reading only |
Rhys, J. (1905): | FIGVLINIFILI | LOCVLITI | HICIACIT Expansion: FIGVLINI FILI LOCVLITI HIC IACIT Translation: The grave of Figulinus(PN) son of Loculit(PN): here he lies. Rhys/1905 84 reading only |
Macalister, R.A.S. (1945): | FIGVLINIFILI | LOCVLITI | HICIACIT Expansion: FIGVLINI FILI LOCVLITI HIC IACIT Macalister/1945 366 reading only |
Nash-Williams, V.E. (1950): | FIGVLINIFILI | LOCVLITI | HICIACIT Expansion: FIGVLINI FILI LOCVLITI HIC IACIT Translation: (The stone) of Figulinus(PN), son of Loculitus(PN). He lies here. Nash-Williams/1950 90 reading only |
Orientation: | vertical down |
Position: | inc ; broad ; n/a ; undecorated The text runs vertically down from the middle of the stone. |
Incision: | pocked Macalister/1945, 366: `The lettering is pocked'. Nash-Williams/1950, 90: `lightly but clumsily picked'. |
Date: | 500 - 599 (Nash-Williams/1950) 500 - 650 (Rhys/1905) |
Language: | Latin (rcaps) |
Ling. Notes: | none |
Palaeography: | Westwood/1879, 181: `debased Roman capitals'. Macalister/1945, 366: `the third line is in half-uncials, contrasting with the capitals of the rest'. Nash-Williams/1950, 90: `Roman capitals...with half-uncial F (?) and H'. |
Legibility: | some The earlier readings are missing the letters LI from the middle line which are given in the later readings. This is presumably due to the removal of the gate-hinge which would have obscured them. Macalister/1945, 366, states that although the inscription is worn and suffered some damaged from gate-hanger holes, the `reading is certain'. The majority of the readings are very similar. |
Lines: | 3 |
Carving errors: | 0 |
Doubtful: | no |