Corpus Refs: | Macalister/1949:1010 Nash-Williams/1950:211 RCAHMW/1976:882 |
Site: | LGYFL |
Discovery: | in/on structure, 1913 workmen |
History: | Anon/1920, 361: `When excavating the floor of the present nave in 1913, a flat stone was discovered with a cross upon it bearing an inscription...This stone is now in the north wall of the nave of the church'. Macalister/1949, 155: `found in the course of repairing the church, and now fixed upon the inner face of the south wall'. RCAHMW/1973, 42: `found in 1913 in the floor of the parish church and re-set on the internal face of the N. wall of the nave there'. |
Geology: | Macalister/1949, 155: `Old Red Sandstone'. |
Dimensions: | 1.1 x 0.57 x 0.01 (RCAHMW/1973) |
Setting: | in struct |
Location: | on site Nash-Williams/1950, 137: `inside church on N. wall of nave'. |
Form: | cross-marked Macalister/1949, 155: `A slab'. Nash-Williams/1950, 137: `Roughly shaped rectangular (?) cross-slab (damaged), decorated and inscribed. 37 1/2" h. x 21 1/2" w. x ?" t....The slab is one of a small group of cross-slabs, local to Glamorganshire, characterized by the use of the formula Crux Christi (or the cross-symbol) combined, in some cases, with the name of the person commemorated (cf. Nos. 260-1). The slabs probably represent a Celtic (Irish) version of a Merovingian slab-type'. RCAHMW/1973, 42: `A damaged slab with carved cross and inscription...The rectangular...slab, 110cm by 57cm, has been trimmed down from its original dimensions...its thickness cannot be ascertained'. |
Condition: | complete , some Nash-Williams/1950, 137: `damaged'. RCAHMW/1973, 42: `A damaged slab...trimmed down from its original dimensions and one upper angle has fractured off'. |
Folklore: | none |
Crosses: | 1: latin; interlace; straight; expanded; plain; none; inner curv; expanded; n/a |
Decorations: | Macalister/1949, 155: `a wheel cross in cavo rilievo (like No. 1 at Aberafon) with a guilloche on the ring and triquetras on the terminals. The design has been chiselled and rubbed smooth'. Nash-Williams/1950, 137: `Carved double-ribbon Latin wheel-cross in low relief, with knotted arm-ends (R.A. 262 and 269) and the arcs of the wheel formed of simple double-beaded twists (R.A. 501) (Cf. No. 125)'. RCAHMW/1973, 42: `A ringed Latin cross in false relief, formed of paired cords interlaced at the centre, extends to each edge, the expanded arm-ends forming triquetra knots. Each arc of the ring set within the arm-ends consists of a double-beaded single twist, squared at the ends. A similar form of cross occurs on Irish recumbent slabs[2] but is not usually combined with a ring as in this case. [2] Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., Vol. 61 (C, 1961), p. 224 and Fig. 26'. |
Macalister, R.A.S. (1949): | CRUX:X~P~I~ Expansion: CRUX XPI Macalister/1949 155 and Plate L reading only |
Nash-Williams, V.E. (1950): | C:RUX:XP~I Expansion: CRUX CHRISTI Translation: The Cross of Christ. Nash-Williams/1950 137 reading only |
RCAHMW (1973): | CRUX:X~P~I~ Expansion: CRUX CHRISTI Translation: The cross of Christ. RCAHMW/1976 42 reading only |
Orientation: | vertical down |
Position: | ind ; broad ; within quadrants ; quadrant Macalister/1949, 155: `Along the side of the cross shaft'. Nash-Williams/1950, 137: `Latin inscription (Fig. 147) in the field [of cross] to l., in one line reading vertically downwards'. RCAHMW/1973, 42: `Parallel to the stem of the cross'. |
Incision: | inc Nash-Williams/1950, 137: `thinly and carefully picked'. RCAHMW/1973, 42: `incised'. |
Date: | 800 - 899 (Nash-Williams/1950) 800 - 899 (RCAHMW/1976) 800 - 899 (Anon/1920) |
Language: | Latin (rbook) |
Ling. Notes: | none |
Palaeography: | Nash-Williams/1950, 137: `Round half-uncials...with most of the letters conjoined in the cursive manner'. RCAHMW/1973, 42: `Latin inscription reads (downwards) CRUX : X~P~I~ (`The cross of Christ'), in rounded half-uncials with single punctuation dot and mark of abbreviation (for Christi)'. |
Legibility: | good |
Lines: | 1 |
Carving errors: | 0 |
Doubtful: | no |