Corpus Refs: | Huebner/1876:211 Macalister/1945:510 |
Site: | KLSTN |
Discovery: | first mentioned, 1699 Lhuyd, E. |
History: | In situ until 1977, when according to Cowie/1977-78, 166, it was moved to `a new location in the area of the terminal complex'. |
Geology: | Macalister/1945: `whinstone'. |
Dimensions: | 1.22 x 1.22 x 0.76 (converted from Macalister/1945) |
Setting: | in ground |
Location: | on site Now near the terminal complex of Edinburgh (Turnhouse) Airport.
Form: | Incomplete Information Thomas/1992, 4: `a stumpy whinstone pillar'. |
Condition: | complete , good |
Folklore: | none |
Crosses: | none |
Decorations: | no other decoration |
Huebner, E. (1876): | INOCTV | M/VLOIACIT | VETTAF[--] | VICTI Expansion: IN OC TUMULO IACIT VETTA F[ILIVS] VICTI Huebner/1876 76 reading only |
Allen, R. (1903): | INOCTV | M/VLOIACIT | VETTAF[--] | VICTI Expansion: IN OC TVMVLO IACIT VETTA F[ILIVS] VICTI Translation: Beneath this mound lies Vetta (PN), son of Victus (PN). Allen/Anderson/1903 426--427 reading only |
Rutherford, A. et al (1974): | IN OCT[V] | M/VLO IAC[I] | VETTA F[IL][-] | VICTR[-] Expansion: IN OC T[U]MULO IAC[I]T VETTA F[ILIA] VICTR[ICIUS] Translation: In this tomb lies Vetta (PN), daughter of Victricius (PN). Rutherford/Ritchie/1974 183 reading only |
Thomas, C. (1992): | INOCT[U] | M/VLOIAC[I]T | VETTAF[--] | VICTR[-- Expansion: IN OC T[U]MULO IAC[I]T VETTA F[IL--] VICTR[-- Translation: In this tomb lies Vetta (PN), son (or daughter) of Victr[--] (PN). Thomas/1992a 4 reading only |
Orientation: | horizontal |
Position: | inc ; broad ; undecorated ; undecorated |
Incision: | inc Macalister/1945, 486: `the letters are roughly executed'. |
Date: | 466 - 533 (Rutherford/Ritchie/1974) 500 - 600 (Thomas/1992a) |
Language: | Latin (rcaps) |
Ling. Notes: | Rutherford/Ritchie/1974, 185, argue that the dropping of the H in (h)OC is purely orthographic. |
Palaeography: | Rutherford/Ritchie/1974, 183--184: `debased roman capitals...note particularly the ligatured MV, and the characteristic L with oblique foot. The reversed N is not common...the O's are neat and small, some way above the base lines...the fifth letter in the fourth indisputably an R with an almost horizontal the end of line three...the drawings all clearly show what appears to be a half-uncial F with conjoined I'. Thomas/1992a, 4: `Fairly regular capitals; line 1, N is reversed. Ligatures of MV, line 2, and FI, line 3'. |
Legibility: | some Rutherford/Ritchie/1974, 183: `the letters are...still for the most part well-defined. The condition of the inscription deteriorates from the left edge to the right, where it becomes weathered'. |
Lines: | 4 |
Carving errors: | 0 |
Doubtful: | no |