Corpus Refs: | Macalister/1949:564 |
Site: | IMRRY |
Discovery: | first mentioned, 1885 Wakeman, W. |
History: | |
Geology: | |
Dimensions: | 0.41 x 0.2 x 0.0 (converted from Macalister/1949) |
Setting: | unattch |
Location: | earliest Macalister/1949, 20, like IMRRY/4 and 5, this is also, on the altar of Teach Molaise. |
Form: | name-slab |
Condition: | inc , inc |
Folklore: | none |
Crosses: | none |
Decorations: | no other decoration |
Macalister, R.A.S. (1949): | +O~R~DOMUREDACH | H{U}CHOMOC{A}IN | HICDORMIT Expansion: +OROIT DO MUREDACH HU CHOMOCAIN, HIC DORMIT Macalister/1949 20, Plate II reading only |
Orientation: | vertical down |
Position: | n/a ; broad ; n/a ; undecorated |
Incision: | inc |
Date: | None published |
Language: | celtic and latin (rbook) |
Ling. Notes: | none |
Palaeography: | CISP: The lettering is Insular half-uncial, although Macalister's published drawing is not always clear. The initial O looks to taper downwards to a point. The following R is damaged but appears to be majuscule or perhaps capitalis. It differs in form from the two other Rs which are half-uncial. The Ds each have ascenders which bend to the left. The example on the third line has an poen bow and an very curved ascender. The Hs are in the minuscule form, with that at the end of the first line having a wedge-shaped finial at the top of its ascender. The E is in the minuscule closed form, and the T is curved. Two accent marks also appear above letters in the second line. |
Legibility: | inc |
Lines: | 3 |
Carving errors: | n |
Doubtful: | no |