Corpus Refs: | Macalister/1949:968 Nash-Williams/1950:5 |
Site: | HENEG |
Discovery: | in/on structure, 1845 inc |
History: | Jones/1846, 67: `found in taking down the old church [1845] and has been carefully placed in the new church'. RCAHMW/1937, civ: `found in taking down the old church'. |
Geology: | |
Dimensions: | 0.57 x 0.32 x 0.0 (converted from Nash-Williams/1950) |
Setting: | in struct |
Location: | earliest Nash-Williams/1950, 53, notes that the stone is set in the sill of the west window on the north side of the church. Macalister/1949, 128, however, records it as being set in the east window. |
Form: | plain |
Condition: | incomplete , some Nash-Williams/1950, 53, notes that both ends of the slab are broken away. |
Folklore: | none |
Crosses: | none |
Decorations: | no other decoration |
Huebner, E. (1876): | --]ILIUS:CU[--] | [-]NIMA REQUICIT [-- Expansion: --]ILIUS CU[IUS] [A]NIMA REQUICIT [IN PACE] Huebner/1876 53 reading only |
Westwood, J.O. (1879): | [.]ILIUS CU[--] | [.]NIMA REQUIES Expansion: [--F]ILIUS CU[--] [A]NIMA REQUIES(CAT) Westwood/1876 191 reading only |
Macalister, R.A.S. (1949): | --]FILIVS:EV[-- | --]NIMA:REQVIES[-- Expansion: [HIC IACET][--] FILIUS EU[--] (-) [CUIUS ANIMA REQUIES(CAT) (IN PAC)E Macalister/1949 128 concise discussion |
Nash-Williams, V.E. (1950): | --][F]ILIVS:EV[-] | [-] | [-]NIMA:REQVIES[-- |--]E Expansion: (-) FILIUS EU(-) (CUIUS A)NIMA REQUIES(CAT) (IN PAC)E Translation: (So-and-so) (PN), son of Ev(--) (PN) (lies here). May his soul rest in peace. Edwards/1987 114 reading only Nash-Williams/1950 53 concise discussion RCAHMW/1937 civ reading only |
Orientation: | vertical down |
Position: | inc ; broad ; n/a ; undecorated The stone is too broken to be able to say much about the original position of the inscription. |
Incision: | inc |
Date: | 1100 - 1199 (Nash-Williams/1950) Nash-Williams/1950, 53: `Despite the primitive character of the monument the style of lettering and the formula used are consistent with a Medieval rather than an Early Christian attribution...In particular the closed E is the Gothic (so-called `Lombardic') majuscule letter, a characteristic late 12th-century form...The formula anima requiescat in pace is likewise late, though closely akin to well-known formulae...of the earliest period'. 590 - 610 (Radford/1937b) Radford/1937b, civ: `The stone belongs to the late group but is earlier than Llangadwaladr.' 1100 - 1199 (Dark/1992a) |
Language: | Latin (rcaps) |
Ling. Notes: | none |
Palaeography: | Nash-Williams/1950, 53: `debased capitals and minuscules (A, E, Q, S)'. RCAHMW/1937, civ: `In Gaul the rounded E appears on inscriptions in the early sixth century. The form of the A is derived from uncial and the S from the half-uncial script which was used as a book hand in the 6th century. The stone belongs to the last group but is earlier than that at Llangadwaladr. The word filius is all in capitals except for the half-uncial `S', and it is followed by an interpunct. The `E' which begins the father's name is rounded and appears to have a vertical stroke joining the three lines on the right. The `A' of [a]nima is minuscule and is formed by two strokes, a small `c' on the left, and a vertical stroke with left-facing flourish on the right. This word is followed by another interpunct. The `R' of the last word is open bowed, the `Q' is half-uncial as is the `S'. The two 'Es' are rounded, without a middle stroke, but with a vertical stoke to the right'. |
Legibility: | some Jones/1846, 66, notes that the letters are quite clear, although the earliest illustration of the stone is up-side down. |
Lines: | 2 |
Carving errors: | 0 |
Doubtful: | no |