Corpus Refs: | Macalister/1945:67 Power/etal/1992:1038 |
Site: | GOUR |
Discovery: | first mentioned, 1907 Macalister, R.A.S. |
History: | First mentioned in Macalister/1907, 52. |
Geology: | Macalister/1945, 72: `clay slate'. |
Dimensions: | 2.1 x 0.65 x 0.15 (Power/etal/1992) |
Setting: | in ground |
Location: | earliest Macalister/1945, 72: `The road proceeding westward from Castletown Berehaven curves round three sides of a marshy field on the left-hand side, just before it ascends a spur of the Slieve Miskish mountains, which here runs southward to the sea. In the middle of this field stands a slab'. Power et al/1992, 125: `In scrub on E-facing slope'. |
Form: | plain Macalister/1945, 72: `slab'. Power et al/1992, 125: `Rectangular stone... long axis NNW--SSE'. |
Condition: | complete , some |
Folklore: | none |
Crosses: | none |
Decorations: | no other decoration |
Macalister, R.A.S. (1945): | [CARI] Expansion: CARI Translation: Cari (PN). Macalister/1945 72 reading only |
Power, D. (1985): | [--] Expansion: [--] Power/etal/1992 125 reading only |
Orientation: | vertical up |
Position: | inc ; arris ; n/a ; undecorated Macalister/1945, 72: `on the dexter angle of the face turned away from the road'. |
Incision: | inc |
Date: | None published |
Language: | name only (ogham) |
Ling. Notes: | none |
Palaeography: | Macalister/1945, 72: `damaged inscription in minute scores...The inscription consists of no more than four letters...There are some marks before the C, but they cannot be explained as remains of letters'. Power et al/1992, 125: `No longer legible'. |
Legibility: | poor Macalister/1945, 72: `damaged inscription'. Power et al/1992, 125: `No longer legible'. |
Lines: | 1 |
Carving errors: | 0 |
Doubtful: | no |
See McManus/1991, 106.