Corpus Refs: | Macalister/1945:81 |
Site: | GARES |
Discovery: | recognised, 1852 Crowley |
History: | Gippert/Web, Ogham 81: `According to Brash, JRSAI 10, 1869, 260, the stone was found in a structure called Rath Lisheenagreine, in the townland of Gurranes (sic!), parish of Templemartin, 1 mile north of the parish church (the village in question is named "Gurranes" in the Cork U.C. too). A detailed map of the Rath (in connection with the larger Rath Lisnacaheragh) is available in S.P. O' Ríordáin's article in PRIA 47-C, 1941-42, 77 ff. -- According to Brash, the stone was discovered by one farmer Crowley 17 years before (the publication of his article in JRSAI 10, 1869); Macalister states in CIIC that it `has been known since the sixties' and `appears to have come from a souterrain in the group' of `earth-works' on the townland of Garranes. The first report was made by John Lyons, C.C., Newcestown, Enniskeane; Brash's visit took place on 16.12.1868. The stone was moved to the Museum of the U.C., Cork after Macalister first visited it (at that time it was still `standing loosely in one of the ditches': CIIC 1, 84). In the collection of the U.C., it is assigned no. 17'. |
Geology: | Macalister/1945, 84: `clayslate'. |
Dimensions: | 1.75 x 0.48 x 0.18 (converted from Macalister/1945) |
Setting: | in ground |
Location: | University College, Cork (Cat: 17) Gippert/Web, Ogham 81: `The stone was moved to the Museum of the U.C., Cork after Macalister first visited it (at that time it was still `standing loosely in one of the ditches': CIIC 1, 84). In the collection of the U.C., it is assigned no. 17'. |
Form: | plain |
Condition: | complete , some Macalister/1945, 84: `a little chipped'. |
Folklore: | none |
Crosses: | none |
Decorations: | no other decoration |
Macalister, R.A.S. (1945): | C[A]SSITT[A]SMAQ ||| IMUC ||| OICALLITI Expansion: C[A]SSITT[A]S MAQI MUCOI CALLITI Macalister/1945 83--84 reading only Ziegler/1994 144--146, 258 reading only |
Gippert, J. (1987): | [CA]SSI[O]TTASM[AQ] ||| IM[UC ||| O]ICALLITI Expansion: [CA]SSI[O]TTAS M[AQ]I M[UCO]I CALLITI Gippert/Web Ogham 81 reading only [Gippert 81] |
McManus, D. (1991): | C[A]SSITT[A^O]SMAQ ||| IMU[C] ||| [O]ICALLITI Expansion: C[A]SSITT[A]S MAQI MU[CO]I CALLITI Expansion: C[A]SSITT[O]S MAQI MU[CO]I CALLITI McManus/1991 65 reading only |
Orientation: | vertical up along down |
Position: | inc ; arris ; inc ; undecorated |
Incision: | punched Macalister/1945, 84: `bold scores, punched and rubbed'. |
Date: | 366 - 433 (McManus/1991) McManus/1991, 93--94. |
Language: | Goidelic (ogham) |
Ling. Notes: | See McManus/1991, 108, 116. |
Palaeography: | none |
Legibility: | some Macalister/1945, 84: `a little chipped, so that some of the vowels are lost, but of the reading there can be no doubt. The notches of the I in the first word are accidentally grouped so as to make AUA, but the engraver's intention cannot be questioned. Preceding the initial C there are some scratches, apparently modern, but in any case of no significance'. Gippert/Web, Ogham 81: `After SS, all in all seven vowel notches are recognizable...There are hardly any traces visible of Macalister's 1A and 2A...Although the two Ls in CALLITI seem to be well separated, we might think of reading CASITI instead'. |
Lines: | 1 |
Carving errors: | 0 |
Doubtful: | no |