Corpus Refs: | Macalister/1909:13 Macalister/1949:609 Petrie/1872:153 |
Site: | CLMAC |
Discovery: | first mentioned, 1872 Petrie, G. |
History: | Petrie/1872, 68: `The inscription is found on the Carn of the Three Crosses...Drawn by M[argaret]. S[tokes], from a rubbing of the stone found in the collection of Dr Petrie.' Macalister/1909, 3: `This fine slab I found lying loose on the causeway leading to the Nuns Church, and I directed the caretaker to bring it into one of the chapels, where I left it'. Manning/1992, 9: `found at the supposed site of The Cairn of the Three Crosses on the ridge beside the Pilgrim's Way between the main site and the Nun's Church at Clonmacnoise'. |
Geology: | |
Dimensions: | 0.76 x 0.71 x 0.1 (converted from Macalister/1949) |
Setting: | inc |
Location: | on site |
Form: | name-slab |
Condition: | incomplete , some The stone is broken on the bottom left edge. |
Folklore: | none |
Crosses: | none |
Decorations: | no other decoration |
Petrie, G. (1872): | OROITAR | THURCAIN | LASANDE | RNADIN | [C]HROSSA Expansion: OROIT AR THURCAIN LASAN DERNAD IN [C]HROSSA Translation: A prayer for Turcán (PN) by whom [or, under whose auspices] this cross was made. Macalister/1909 3 reading only Macalister/1949 44 reading only Manning/1992 9 reading only Petrie/1872 68 reading only |
Orientation: | horizontal |
Position: | n/a ; broad ; n/a ; undecorated |
Incision: | inc |
Date: | None published |
Language: | Goidelic (rbook) |
Ling. Notes: | none |
Palaeography: | CISP: The inscription is in half-uncial. The initial O is larger than the other letters; the A's are in the `OC' form, and the Ds are open bowed with a leftwards bending ascender; the Rs are majuscule and the E is three-pronged. |
Legibility: | some Macalister/1909, 3: `The lettering is much clogged with lichen...but the inscription is easily decipherable'. The text is clear except for the H of 'chrossa' of which only half survives, while the C is completely missing. |
Lines: | 5 |
Carving errors: | 0 |
Doubtful: | no |