Corpus Refs:Macalister/1945:424
Discovery:first mentioned, 1896 Williams
History:Rhys/1897a, 133--134: `Near Rickardston Hall is a stone which serves as a gate-post, on which Mr. Williams of Solva heard of an inscription. Mr. Owen, Mr. Laws, and the present writer, one day last August, accompanied him to see it...[This stone has also since been removed to Brawdy (AC editorial insertion)]'.
Geology:Rhys/1897a, 133: `It is a kind of green stone, which Mr. Williams described as quartz felsite'.
Dimensions:1.47 x 0.36 x 0.33 (converted from Macalister/1945)
Nash-Williams/1950, 180: `Inside church porch'.
Rhys/1897a, 133: `The stone stands almost five feet above the ground, and measures across about 13 ins. by 12 ins. deep'.

RCHAMW/1925, 29: `The stone is 5 feet 2 inches long'.

Nash-Williams/1950, 180: `Rough pillar-stone. 57 1/2" h. x 15" w. x 19" t.'.

Condition:complete , some
Decorations:no other decoration



BRAW4/1/1     Pictures


Rhys, J. (1896):BRIACIF/IL{I} | V[--]G{I}
Rhys/1897a 133 concise discussion
Macalister, R.A.S. (1922):BRIACIF/IL{I} | G[L]V[V.CC]{I}
Macalister/1922 210 concise discussion
Macalister/1945 402 concise discussion
Nash-Williams, V.E. (1950):BRIAC[I]F/IL{I} | [--]G{I}
(The stone) of Briacus (PN), son of [--]gus (PN).
Nash-Williams/1950 180 concise discussion


Orientation:vertical down
Position:n/a ; broad ; n/a ; undecorated
Nash-Williams/1950, 180: `Latin inscription (partly obliterated) in two lines reading vertically downwards'.
Macalister/1945, 402: `punched and rubbed'.
Nash-Williams/1950, 180: `rudely picked'.
Date:500 - 599 (Nash-Williams/1950)

500 - 566 (Jackson/1953)
Language:Latin (rcaps)
Ling. Notes:none
Palaeography:Rhys/1897a, 133--134: ``The first line makes Briaci fili, for though a spawl is gone with the upper portion of the RIA, not one of those letters admits of any doubt, unless one should have it that the I was a T. The next I is rather faint, and the first I of FILI is attached to the lower bar of the F, as in some other instances. The final I of both lines is horizontal, and the second line ends with G{I}, possibly GL{I}; but at the last I began to doubt the existence of the L. Earlier in the line one discerned a V, and imagined one also saw following it an A or an M. We were, however, unable to guess the second name; but I cherish a hope that when the stone has been placed under cover, and the lichen has been succesfully cleaned away, it will be possible to read the whole inscription'.

Macalister/1922, 210: `I am influenced in this by having traced the same name on the much damaged stone from Rickardstown, now in the porch of Brawdy Church, Pembrokeshire. I have made a most careful examination of the inscription on the stone, and came to the conclusion that it was to be read:



not EVOLENGG{I}---, which I was totally unable to verify'.

Macalister/1945, 402: `Line 1 is certain, notwithstanding some injury by flaking. The FI is ligatured. Just in front of the middle B there is a small triangular mark like the head of an A, and about 1 1/2" before that again there is a short sloping scratch. These marks are not intentional any more than a well-defined score on the right-hand edge, 5" above the B, which looks like a Ogham digit, but really is the edge of a spall-matrix. Equally illusory are some vague marks near the head of the stone, which an imaginative observer might turn into the final vowel of Briaci, and the beginning of Maqi. There is actually no Ogham on the stone: I mention them merely to show that I have not overlooked them.

Line 2 is much injured. Beneath the B of line 1 there is a much battered sickle-shaped G. Then comes a spalled surface, from the top of which the summit of an upright line projects, most likely belonging to an L. Then comes V, uninjured and certain, and the dexter half of a second V. The sinister half is reduced to the edge of a flake matrix, within the area of which the outlines of O C can be faintly traced. Then comes the top of another C, and the final I. There is a sloping mark, not I think, part of the inscription, but which if prolonged, would turn the second of these C's into another sickle-shaped G, and as such it is represented in Rhys's diagram; but his restoration, [E] V[OLEN]G{I}, is hardly borne out, either by the existing remains or by the blank spaces. In AC 1896, p. 302, BRIACI is misprinted BRINACI. We have already seen the name GLUVOCCI (with one C) at Ystradfellte (345) and we shall meet with BRIACI at Bridell (426)'.

Nash-Williams/1950, 180: `Roman capitals, rudely picked, with half-uncial capital F and F/I conjoined. The final -I's are horizontal; the A has an angular cross-bar'.

Macalister/1945, 402: `The inscribed surface is much worn and scaled'.
Carving errors:n

