Corpus Refs: | Macalister/1945:143 |
Site: | ANGAP |
Discovery: | recognised, 1945 Fitzgerald, G. |
History: | Macalister/1945, 139: `...found in a ringfort called Parkalassa'. |
Geology: | Macalister/1945, 139: `sandstone grit'. |
Dimensions: | 0.42 x 0.1 x 0.06 (converted from Macalister/1945) |
Setting: | in display |
Location: | University College Cork Macalister/1945, 139: `...found in a ringfort called in the Museum of University College, Cork'. |
Form: | Indeterminate |
Condition: | frgmntry , poor Macalister/1945, 139: `...the stone has been broken, presumably for building purposes, out of a larger monument, and what remains is insufficient to give any clue to their significance'. |
Folklore: | none |
Crosses: | none |
Decorations: | no other decoration |
Macalister, R.A.S. (1945): | --]TAQMAQO[-- Expansion: --]TAQMAQO[-- Macalister/1945 139 reading only Ziegler/1994 263 reading only |
Cuppage, J. (1986): | [TA]QMAQ[O!][-- Cuppage/etal/1986 261 reading only |
McManus, D. (1991): | --]TAQMAQ[-- Macalister/1945 66 reading only |
Orientation: | vertical indeterminate |
Position: | n/a ; arris ; n/a ; undecorated |
Incision: | pocked Macalister/1945, 139; `The scores are pocked deeply and rubbed smooth. So far as they go they are in perfect condition'. |
Date: | None published |
Language: | Goidelic (ogham) |
Ling. Notes: | Macalister/1945, 139: `what remains is insufficient to give aany clue to their [the ogham scores] significance'. |
Palaeography: | none |
Legibility: | good Macalister/1945, 139; `The scores are pocked deeply and rubbed smooth. So far as they go they are in perfect condition'. |
Lines: | 1 |
Carving errors: | 0 |
Doubtful: | no |