Site: Church of St Michel du Valle

Name:Church of St Michel du Valle (n/a) CISP No:VALLE
Place:Vale (n/a) Grid Ref:33460.0 82560.0 (CH)   Map
Parish:Vale (n/a) Stones:1
County:Guernsey (n/a) , Channel Islands Saint(s):Michael
Site Type:ecclesiastical

Site Notes

Davies et al/2000, 312--13, `St Michel du Valle lies in the parish of Vale in north Guernsey. The local bedrock is a mix of Bordeaux diorite and Chouet granodiorite.

The present church is prominent, lying on a small hill, c.220m from the north coast, and about 7m above sea-level. It is reported that as late as the 19th century this land was cut off from the main land-mass at high-tide. The nearest body of water now is Vale Pond, due south of the church; modern housing follows the road running to the north west and south east of the site. The presence of a megalithic tomb by the church's western door indicates that the site was in use in the prehistoric period. St Michel du Valle lies close to l'Ancresse Common, an area with a concentration of megalithic remains. Some time between 1027 and 1035 half of Guernsey was given by Duke Robert of Normandy to the Abbey of Mont St Michel; this site may well have been included in the grant, since it is listed among the properties of Mont-St-Michel in 1155. A church has stood on the site since at least 1117, and the current nave, chancel, and lower section of the tower were built in the later 12th century, while other phases of the church date to the 13th and 15th centuries. There are a number of cross-marked stones built into the body of the church. The current cemetery occupies several distinct plots to the north west of the church, but the immediate church enclosure is semi-circular.'

