Site: Bimaken Friary

Name:Bimaken Friary CISP No:ARBRY
Place:Arbory Grid Ref:SC 2490 7040 (GB)   Map
Parish:Kirk Arbory Stones:2
County:Isle of Man (Ellan Vannin/Ynys Manaw) , Isle of Man Saint(s):none
Site Type:ecclesiastical

Site Notes

Bruce/1968, 38--39, `mediaeval buildings occupy the site and obscure any traces of earlier structures that may have survived when the Franciscan friars began to build in the 14th century. The belief that such earlier church buildings did, in fact, exist arises from the discovery on the site of two ogam-inscribed stones and of an early Christian burial ground, and from certain local place-names. ...About forty years ago, a number of burials, apparently in lintel-graves, were found in the course of farming operations some 40-50 yds. west of the church...It should be noted that the stated position of these graves does not accord with usual Franciscan practice, under which they would be sited to the south of the church. They may well antedate the establishment of the Friary, and along with the ogam stones...provide evidence for a much earlier Christian use of the site'.

