
Institute of Archaeology


Encounters with Ancient Egypt Series (with Routledge)

Details of Institute of Archaeology publications in the Encounters with Ancient Egypt Series (now published by Routledge) are provided here.

The Institute’s prestigious publication programme started in 1977, with over 90 titles published, successively, by the Institute of Archaeology, UCL Press, Left Coast Press and Routledge (part of the Taylor & Francis group) and now with Bloomsbury. The Institute also publishes, with BAR, the BAR UCL Institute of Archaeology PhD Series, launched in 2019.  

Encounters with Ancient Egypt Series (now published by Routledge)

YearISBNTitleAuthor(s)Original Publisher
2003ISBN 9781598742053Ancient Egypt in AfricaO'Connor, David; Reid, Andrew (eds.)Cavendish Press/UCL Press
2003ISBN 9781598742046Ancient Perspective on Egypt    Matthews, Roger; Roemer, Cornelia (eds.)Cavendish Press/UCL Press
2003ISBN 9781598742039Consuming Ancient EgyptMacDonald, Sally; Rice, Michael (eds.)Cavendish Press/UCL Press
2003ISBN 9781598742015Imhotep Today: Egyptianizing ArchitectureHumbert, Jean-Marcel; Price, Clifford (eds.)Cavendish Press/UCL Press
2003ISBN 9781598742077Mysterious LandsO'Connor, David; Quirke, Stephen (eds.)Cavendish Press/UCL Press
2003ISBN 9781598742060Never Had the Like Occurred: Egypt's View of its PastTait, John (ed.)Cavendish Press/UCL Press
2003ISBN 9781598742022Views of Ancient Egypt since Napoleon Bonaparte: Imperialism, Colonialism and Modern AppropriationsJeffreys, David (ed.)Cavendish Press/UCL Press
2003ISBN 9781598742084The Wisdom of Egypt: Changing Visions Through the AgesUcko, Peter J; Champion, Timothy (eds.)Cavendish Press/UCL Press