
UCL Anthropology



Books and edited volumes - on revolution

Arbona, Juan Manuel, María Elena Canedo, Carmen Medeiros, and Nico Tassi. 2016. El Proceso de cambio popular: un tejido con anclaje país. La Paz: CIS

Capasso, Matteo and Igor Cherstich. 2014. "Special Issue: The Multiple Narratives Of The Libyan Revolution". Middle East Critique 23(4): 379-385

Journal articles and book chapters - on revolution

Holbraad, M. 2017. Afterword: the social warmth of paradox. Pp. 225-233, in Henig, D and Makovicky, N (eds.) Economies of Favour After Socialism. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Michelutti, Lucia. 2016. "We Are All Chávez": Charisma as an Embodied Experience. Latin American Perspectives. First published: August-31-2016 DOB: 10.1177/0094582X16666023

Dan Hirlsund. 2015. "Militant collectivity: building solidarities in the Maoist movement in NepalFocaal - Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology 72: 37-50. Special issue on "Alter-Politics"

Cherstich, Igor. 2014. When Tribesmen do not act Tribal: Libyan Tribalism as Ideology (not as Schizophrenia), Middle East Critique, DOI: 10.1080/19436149.2014.969890

Holbraad, Martin. 2014. Revolución o muerte: the political ontology of Cuban revolution. Ethnos 79(3): 365-387

Cherstich, Igor. 2014. The Body of the Colonel - Caricature and Incarnation in the Libyan Revolution. In The Political Aesthetics of Global Protest - the Arab Spring and Beyond, P.Werbner, M. Webb & K. Spellman (Eds.), 93-120. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press.

Holbraad, Martin, and Morten A. Pedersen. 2012. Revolutionary securitization: an anthropological extension of securitization theory. International Theory 4(2): 165-197

Book reviews

Holbraad, M. 2017. Critique, Risqué: A Comment on Didier Fassin. Anthropological Theory 17(2): 274-278

Cherstich, Igor. 2016. Review of "Arab Spring: Uprisings, Powers, Interventions", edited by Kjetil Fosshagen. In Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 22(4): 992-1011.

Cooper, David. 2016. Review of "Give A Man A Fish: Reflections On The New Politics Of Distribution" by James Ferguson. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 22(4): 991-992.

Ansari, Narges. 2015. Review of "Days of Revolution: Political Unrest in an Iranian Village" by Mary Elaine Hegland. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 21(1): 236-237

Cherstich, Igor. 2014. Review of "Sufism and the 'Modern' in Islam", edited by Martin Von Bruinessen and Julia Day Howell. In Contemporary Islam, 9(3): 345-347

CARP briefing papers, case-study reports, blog-posts and other items

Lamrani, Myriam. 2017.  Review of "A Persistent Revolution: History, Nationalism and Politics in Mexico since 1968" by Randal Sheppard. London School of Economics and Political Science,  Review of Books blog

Al-Khalili, Charlotte. 2017. "Loss and Everyday life at the Syrian-Turkish border". Blog for HarekAct

Al-Khalili, Charlotte. 2017."Récits de Raqqa la nuit", Vacarme, 79,  pp.58-63, Paris

Al-Khalili, Charlotte. 2017. "Démocratie rebelle, l'invention des conseils locaux pendant la révolution syrienne", interview with Tareq Matarmawi (and translation), Vacarme 79, pp.48-55, Paris

Al-Khalili, Charlotte. 2017. Hope, Resilience and Uncertainty: A Day with Displaced Syrians in Southern Turkey. Blog for Refugee Hosts.

Lamrani, Myriam. 2017. Poetic notions of death in Mexico no longer fit the grim reality of everyday drug violence. London School of Economics and Political Science Latin America and Caribbean Blog

Holbraad, Martin. 2017. Hasta siempre, Comandante! Anthropology of this Century, Issue 18.

Juan Manuel Arbona, María Elena Canedo, Carmen Medeiros, Nico Tassi. 2016. El nuevo tejido social que conecta el país. La Migraña 19

Al-Khalili, Charlotte. 2016. Loss in Times of Revolution and Exile. Essay for online platform Allegra Lab: Anthropology, Law, Art & World.

Canedo, María Elena , Tassi, Nico. 2016. El proceso de cambio popular. Discussion Paper for the Bolivian Ministry of Education

Elliot, Alice. 2016. Forceful hope. Essay for online platform Allegra Lab: Anthropology, Law, Art & World.

María Elena Canedo and Nico Tassi. 2016. El tejido político popular.  Discussion paper presented to the Vice-Presidency of the Plurinational State of Bolivia

Holbraad, Martin and Morten A. Pedersen. 2016. Online interview for Anthropoliteia on Times of Security volume.

Elliot, Alice. 2015. #Crisis on the opposite shore - notes from the field on #crisis, revolution, and the possible. Field-report for online platform Allegra Lab: Anthropology, Law, Art & World.

Holbraad, Martin. 2015. The freedom of thoughtfulness: what one conversation about Charlie Hebdo looked like. Anthropolitan 12: 22-24

Cherstich, Igor. 2015. Charlie, Secular Culture and Practical Wisdom. Commissioned press article
Tassi, Nico. 2015. Datos qualitativos sobre EL Alto. 

Cherstich, Igor. 2015. Sufis, Salafis and Militiamen in Post-Qaddafi Libya, In The Middle East in London, 11, (3):15. London: London Middle East Institute SOAS.

Cherstich, Igor. 2015. Tribal Divisions in Libya: Cause or Effect? In Afkar/Ideas, 47: 26-27.

Cherstich, Igor (with Giuseppe Acconcia). 2015. Libia il Business della Disperazione, In Il Manifesto, 12th February

Cherstich, Igor. 2014. Libyan Tribalism. Briefing paper for the personnel of the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Cherstich, Igor. 2014. "No Space to Breathe - Spaces of Worship as 'Generators' of Social Cohesion, Occasional Paper, The Center for Academic Shi'a Studies, London.

Other publications produced with CARP's support

Laidlaw, James, Barbara Bodenhorn, Martin Holbraad (eds.) 2018. Recovering the Human Subject: Freedom, Creativity and Decision . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Holbraad, M. 2017. The
contingency of concepts: Transcendental deduction and ethnographic expression
in anthropological thinking. In Pierre Charbonnier, Gildas Salmon and Peter
Skafish (eds.) Comparative Metaphysics: Ontology After Anthropology.
London: Rowman & Littlefield International

Martin, and Morten Axel Pedersen. 2017. The Ontological Turn: An
Anthropological Exposition
. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Nico. 2016. The Native World-System: An Ethnography of Bolivian Aymara
Traders in the Global Economy
. Oxford: Oxford University Press.