Spring 2025
Mondays 5.00 - 6.30pm | Daryll Forde Seminar Room | Department of Anthropology
13 January | Cross-Sectional Synergy Seminar
Angela McArthur (UCL) Sonic materiality as knowing
Dalia Iskander (UCL) Miniature Antidotes: The Healing Effects of Crafting Across Scales
20 January | Isaac Marrero-Guillamon (Goldsmiths)
The Promise of Multimodality: Atmospheres of Listening and Hospitable Gestures
27 January | Joe Tulasiewicz (UCL)
The Psychic Ocean: Framing Case Studies of Internet Addiction with Eastern European Science Fiction
3 February | Camille Crichlow (Sarah Parker Remond Centre)
Coding Face, Enumerating Race
10 February | Ken Zheng (UCL)
Ghosts in the Algorithmic Systems
24 February | Chloe Dominique (UCL)
Title TBC
3 March | Vindhya Buthpitiya (University of St Andrews)
Measures, Mediations and the Time of Violence: Recounting Sri Lanka’s ‘Black July’
10 March | Alice McAlpine-Riddell (UCL)
Safety Traps and Tricks: Pink Securitization & Securitizing the Everyday
17 March | Stefan Tarnowski (University of Cambridge)
Just Images: User-Generated Content, International Law, and Counterforensics
Please contact Rafael Schacter for further information.
Past seminars
- Autumn 2024
30th September – Alexandra D’Onofrio, University of Manchester
Aesthetics of possibility: practicing ethnography in the subjunctive mode7th October – Martin Webb, Goldsmiths
Putting the selfie to work: Image making and work/time discipline in the margins of the Indian state14th October – Dieter Deswarte, UCL
The Art of Collaboration21st October – Jo Krishnakumar, LSE
Translating, Constructing, Failing: Using Patchwork and Scavenger Methodologies to Understand Transnational Experiences of Violence, Care, Kinship and Advocacy28th October – Helena Hunter, Scottish Association of Marine Science
Title TBC
- Spring 2024
8 January – Toby Austin Locke (University College London)
"ADHD, communities of care and vernacular anthropologies of attention economics on TikTok"15 January – Nick Seaver (Tufts University) (UCL Centre for Digital Anthropology Annual Lecture)
"Computing Taste: Care and Control in Algorithmic Recommendation"22 January – Yathu Yogarajah (University College London)
"Petrol Station Dreams: Blurred lines between exploitation and extortion"29 January – Rik Adriaans (University College London)
"A Sound of One’s Own: Modular Synthesizers and Post-Digital Culture"5 February – Akanksha Awal (University College London)
"Love as Enjoyment: Hopelessness, Play and Desirable Futures in India"19 February – David Jeevendrampillai (University College London)
"Urban planning at home and in the sky: politics of belonging and new frontiers of colonial power"26 February – Kellynn Wee (University College London)
"Worlds beyond words: Atmospheres, bodies, and materiality in the staging of tabletop roleplaying game fantasies"4 March – Emilie Glazer (University College London)
"Care and its dispossessions: Jerusalem waters, affective politics, and the infrastructures of the Anthropocene"11 March – Hermione Spriggs (University College London)
"On Capture: a practice-based ethnography of mole catching in North Yorkshire"
With discussant Jonas Tinius (Humboldt University/Saarland University)Please contact Rafael Schacter for further information.
- Autumn 2023
Seminar convenors: Susanne Kuechler s.kuechler@ucl.ac.uk and Shireen Walton shireen.walton@ucl.ac.uk
16 January - Graeme Were (University of Bristol)
Museums, Collections and Social Repair: Transforming the Past in Vietnam23 January - Haichao Wang (UCL)
Beyond Social E-commerce: a comparative study of practicing values in Chinese Hui Muslims Jama’at30 January - Emma Tarlo (Professor Emerita, Goldsmiths)
Hairy Entanglements – working towards a public anthropology[Cancelled] 6 February - Elena Liber (UCL)
“The First TikTok War”: Narratives of conflict and emergency on TikTokReading Week
20 February - Heather A. Horst (Western Sydney University)
Doing kalavata: The performance and practice of collective identity27 February - Elena Liber (UCL)
“The First TikTok War”: Narratives of conflict and emergency on TikTok6 March - Kevin Smets (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
(De)bordering imaginations: “reel” power struggles in a bordered world13 March - Karen Strassler (Queens College, Graduate Center of the City University of New York) [*on Zoom*]
The Mirror and the Lens: image-work and bodily reckoning after breast cancer
- Spring 2023
Seminar convenors: Susanne Kuechler s.kuechler@ucl.ac.uk and Shireen Walton shireen.walton@ucl.ac.uk
16 January - Graeme Were (University of Bristol)
Museums, Collections and Social Repair: Transforming the Past in Vietnam23 January - Haichao Wang (UCL)
Beyond Social E-commerce: a comparative study of practicing values in Chinese Hui Muslims Jama’at30 January - Emma Tarlo (Professor Emerita, Goldsmiths)
Hairy Entanglements – working towards a public anthropology[Cancelled] 6 February - Elena Liber (UCL)
“The First TikTok War”: Narratives of conflict and emergency on TikTokReading Week
20 February - Heather A. Horst (Western Sydney University)
Doing kalavata: The performance and practice of collective identity27 February - Elena Liber (UCL)
“The First TikTok War”: Narratives of conflict and emergency on TikTok6 March - Kevin Smets (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
(De)bordering imaginations: “reel” power struggles in a bordered world13 March - Karen Strassler (Queens College, Graduate Center of the City University of New York) [*on Zoom*]
The Mirror and the Lens: image-work and bodily reckoning after breast cancer