Academic position: Lecturer in Political Theory & Public Policy
Telephone number: 02031081880
Most of Fergus’ research is concerned with questions of politics, governance and justice arising from the transition to a low-carbon economy. His current research focuses on: green new deal-style integrated policy programmes; the “just transition” agenda; and the politics and governance of phasing out fossil fuels.
Fergus began his career as a lawyer in the Melbourne office of Australasian firm Allens Arthur Robinson (now Allens-Linklaters), where he specialised in climate change, energy, water and environmental regulation. He was as a Policy Analyst and Research Advisor to Professor Nicholas Stern at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change & the Environment at the London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE) before completing a PhD in political theory in the LSE Department of Government. He undertook postdoctoral research at Utrecht University and the LSE before joining UCL in September 2021.
Research Projects:
“JUSTDECARB—Socially Just and Politically Robust Decarbonisation: A Knowledge Base and Toolkit for Policymakers” (an ESRC-funded research project in collaboration with the Grantham Research Institute at LSE and research partners in Norway, Austria and Czechia)
“Counting carbon or counting coal? Anchoring climate governance in fossil fuel-based accountability frameworks”, forthcoming in Global Environmental Politics (with D. Kuch).
“Ecological limits: science, justice, policy, and the good life” (2021) Philosophy Compass, 16(6), e12740.
“Engaged Climate Ethics” (2020) Journal of Political Philosophy. Online First (with E. Brandstedt).
“Legal Transitions without Legitimate Expectations” (2020) Journal of Political Philosophy 28: 397–420.
“Transitional assistance policies for just, equitable and smooth low-carbon transitions: who, what and how?” (2020) Climate Policy 20(8): 902–921 (with A. Gambhir).
“Cutting with Both Arms of the Scissors: the economic and political case for restrictive supply-side climate policies” (2018) 150 Climatic Change 73–87 (with R. Denniss).
“Anti-Fossil Fuel Norms” (2018) 150 Climatic Change 103–116.
“China’s changing economy: implications for its carbon dioxide emissions” (2017) 17 Climate Policy 423–442 (with N. Stern).
SEI et al., Production Gap Report (2019, 2020 and 2021).
Fergus is currently on research leave from teaching. He is developing a new third-year undergraduate political theory module entitled “Environmental and Climate Justice” (pending Faculty approval).