James Croll bicentenary: glacial cycles, astronomical theories and geological archives
04 March 2021, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm
Physical Geography Lunchtime Seminar Series Presenter - Prof.Chronis Tzedakis, University College London – Department of Geography
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- UCL staff
- Yes
- Free
Cécile Porchier
General information about the virtual seminar organisation
- The seminars will be held on Zoom. A link will be provided every Thursday morning with the talk title and abstract. You can download Zoom for free on the UCL Software database.
- You will be asked to turn your video and microphone off during the duration of the seminar except if you want to ask a question.
- The virtual seminars will follow a similar organisation as the in-person ones. We will aim to start at 1.05pm in order to let everyone join. The talks will last 30-40min and will be followed by at least 15min of questions.
- It is recommended that you ask your question in the chat section of Zoom. At the end of the talk, the seminar’s host will then ask you to present yourself and ask your question to the speaker. This will be done in a chronological order. If all of the questions in the chat box have been answered before the end of the seminar, the attendees will be able to “raise a hand” and ask questions as well.
- The seminars will also be recorded with the speaker’s agreement. You will be able to ask the seminar series convenor (Cécile Porchier, cecile.porchier.18@ucl.ac.uk) the video if you have been unable to attend the live seminar. It is, however, strongly encouraged to join the live seminars. If you are provided with the video, please do not share it to a wider audience except if it has been accepted previously by the seminar series convenor and the speaker.