
UCL Anthropocene


What should historians do in the next decade of the climate crisis?

01 June 2021, 3:30 pm–5:30 pm

Earth creation carving

From activism, to reparative climate justice, to the shape of the wider historical narratives we offer, historians face a question about what we should do in the next decade of the climate crisis.

This event is free.

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UCL Anthropocene

In the run-up to the UN climate change conference in Glasgow this November, much attention is focused on the political and social adaptations needed to address the climate crisis. Going into and beyond that however, there are also questions for historians and the discipline of history. From activism, to reparative climate justice, to the shape of the wider historical narratives we offer, historians too face a question about what we should do in the next decade of the climate crisis.
We’re delighted to close this first year of seminars with a wonderful panel of environmental historians and analysts to discuss this question.

This seminar is part of the Anthropocene Histories Partnership Seminar Series.

All welcome, this seminar is free to attend but booking is required.