
Centre for Amyloidosis and Acute Phase Proteins


Quality Assurance

As part of its commitment to quality, the National Amyloidosis laboratory participates annually in the external quality assurance scheme, UKNEQAS CPT.  Currently, there is no equivalent scheme for amyloid immunohistochemistry and proteomic analysis. For Immunohistochemistry samples are reviewed and compared with other testing methods. For proteomic analysis there is an Inter-Laboratory Comparison Amyloid protein identification sample exchange program in place.

Newly developed tests may be out of the UKAS schedule of accreditation during an initial period but are performed to the same standards as accredited tests from the moment they are integrated in our Quality Management System. To update the schedule of accreditation and include new tests the laboratory applies to Extension to Scope.

Measurement Uncertainty (MU)

Details of measurement uncertainty values and application can be obtained from the laboratory upon request.

Complaints/ Compliments/ User Feedback 

The laboratory is committed to continuously improving the quality of services provided and welcomes any comments or suggestions from the service users. A User Satisfaction Survey is conducted annually to establish the degree of user satisfaction pertaining to the usefulness and timeliness of our reports, and to solicit suggestions for improvement.

Please help us improve the service and direct compliments and complaints in writing to the Quality Manager, Ania Baginska: anna.baginska@nhs.net