Molecular Quantum Metrology Lab
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Featured Research item
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- Caldwell, L., Roussy, T. S., Wright, T., Cairncross, W. B., Shagam, Y., Ng, K. B., Schloss-berger, N., Park, S. Y., Wang, A., Ye, J., “Systematic and statistical uncertainty evaluation of the HfF+ electron electric dipole moment experiment”. Phys. Rev. A 108.1 (2023), p. 012804.
- Roussy, T. S., Caldwell, L., Wright, T., Cairncross, W. B., Shagam, Y., Ng, K. B., Schloss-berger, N., Park, S. Y., Wang, A., Ye, J., “An improved bound on the electron’s electric dipole moment”. Science 381.6653 (2023), pp. 46–50.