
UCL Institute of the Americas


Marieta C. Valdivia Lefort

Nationalism, public policies, and decision-making: Debates on the 'national decline' in Chile during the first half of the twentieth century and policies to mitigate it


Professor Paulo Drinot

Subsidiary supervisor:

Professor Nicola Miller

Expected completion date: 2024

This project explores the influence of ideologies, specifically nationalism, in the definition of certain state policies to mitigate the perceived effects of the 'national decline' in Chile during the first half of the twentieth century.


Gómez-Arízaga, M. P., Navarro, M., Roa-Tampe, K., Conejeros-Solar, M. L., Valdivia-Lefort, M., Martin, A., & Bravo Rojas, C. (2023). Career choice in gifted students with interests in STEM. Gifted and Talented International, 38(1), 21-30.

Lee Hallet, L., & Valdivia-Lefort, M. (2023). Democracy through connectivity: How satellite telecommunication can bridge the digital divide in Latin America. In A. Froehlich (Ed.), Space Fostering Latin American Societies: Developing the Latin American Continent Through Space, Part 4 (pp. 37-54). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-20675-7_3

Gomez-Arízaga, M.P., Valdivia-Lefort, M., Castillo-Hermosilla, H., Hébert, T. P., & Conejeros-Solar, M. L. (2020). Tales from Within: Gifted Students' Lived Experiences with instructional practices in Regular Classrooms. Education Sciences, 10(5), ISSN 2227-7102.

Roa-Tampe, K., Castillo-Hermosilla, H., Valdivia-Lefort, M., Briseño Ossandón, M.P., Gómez-Arizaga, M. P., Navarro Ciudad, M., Martin, A., Rivera Lino, B., & Conejeros-Solar, M. L. (2020). Autoconcepto y alta capacidad: influencia de estereotipos de género y programas de enriquecimiento. Revista Espacios, 41(17), ISSN 0798 1015.

Gomez-Arízaga, M. P., Navarro, M., Roa-Tampe, K., Conejeros-Solar, M. L., Martin, A., Rivera-Lino, B., Valdivia-Lefort, M., & Castillo-Hermosilla, H. (2020). Exploración de las decisiones académicas en estudiantes con alta capacidad. Cadernos de Pesquisa, 50(178), 1041-1060.

Gómez-Arízaga, M. P., Navarro, M., Martin, A., Roa-Tampe, K.., Conejeros-Solar, M. L., Kronborg, L., Valdivia-Lefort, M., Castillo-Hermosilla, H., & Rivera Lino, B. (2020). Socio-emotional dimensions in gifted Chilean high school students with interests in STEM: Influence of gender and university enrichment program participation. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 16(12).

Valdivia-Lefort, M. (2019). “Migration, Freedom of Movement, and Social Justice: Does the ‘brain drain’ effect justify restrictions on immigration?”. Status Quo and Social Change: International Public Policy Review IPPR, 3(1), UCL School of Public Policy.