
UCL Institute of the Americas


Marieta C. Valdivia Lefort

Economic nationalism and civics: The case of Chile during the first half of the twentieth century


Professor Paulo Drinot

Subsidiary supervisor:

Professor Nicola Miller

Expected completion date: 2025


Gómez-Arízaga, M. P., Navarro, M., Roa-Tampe, K., Conejeros-Solar, M. L., Valdivia-Lefort, M., Martin, A., & Bravo Rojas, C. (2023). Career choice in gifted students with interests in STEM. Gifted and Talented International, 38(1), 21-30.

Lee Hallet, L., & Valdivia-Lefort, M. (2023). Democracy through connectivity: How satellite telecommunication can bridge the digital divide in Latin America. In A. Froehlich (Ed.), Space Fostering Latin American Societies: Developing the Latin American Continent Through Space, Part 4 (pp. 37-54). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-20675-7_3

Gomez-Arízaga, M.P., Valdivia-Lefort, M., Castillo-Hermosilla, H., Hébert, T. P., & Conejeros-Solar, M. L. (2020). Tales from Within: Gifted Students' Lived Experiences with instructional practices in Regular Classrooms. Education Sciences, 10(5), ISSN 2227-7102.

Roa-Tampe, K., Castillo-Hermosilla, H., Valdivia-Lefort, M., Briseño Ossandón, M.P., Gómez-Arizaga, M. P., Navarro Ciudad, M., Martin, A., Rivera Lino, B., & Conejeros-Solar, M. L. (2020). Autoconcepto y alta capacidad: influencia de estereotipos de género y programas de enriquecimiento. Revista Espacios, 41(17), ISSN 0798 1015.

Gomez-Arízaga, M. P., Navarro, M., Roa-Tampe, K., Conejeros-Solar, M. L., Martin, A., Rivera-Lino, B., Valdivia-Lefort, M., & Castillo-Hermosilla, H. (2020). Exploración de las decisiones académicas en estudiantes con alta capacidad. Cadernos de Pesquisa, 50(178), 1041-1060.

Gómez-Arízaga, M. P., Navarro, M., Martin, A., Roa-Tampe, K.., Conejeros-Solar, M. L., Kronborg, L., Valdivia-Lefort, M., Castillo-Hermosilla, H., & Rivera Lino, B. (2020). Socio-emotional dimensions in gifted Chilean high school students with interests in STEM: Influence of gender and university enrichment program participation. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 16(12).

Valdivia-Lefort, M. (2019). “Migration, Freedom of Movement, and Social Justice: Does the ‘brain drain’ effect justify restrictions on immigration?”. Status Quo and Social Change: International Public Policy Review IPPR, 3(1), UCL School of Public Policy.