Congratulations to Mercedes Crisóstomo Meza on her successful viva
17 January 2023

We are delighted to announce that Mercedes Crisóstomo Meza, one of our PhD candidates, has passed her PhD viva with no corrections. Her thesis examines Peruvian women’s militancia (militancy) in revolutionary parties during the 1960s and 1970s as well as their post-militancia in the current time. By focusing on women as historical and political actors, the thesis discusses women’s history, the history of the Latin and Peruvian Left, revolutions, political pluralism, memory and radical politics.
Mercedes's supervisor was Professor Paulo Drinot.
Congratulations to Dr Crisóstomo Meza. We wish her every success in her next undertakings!
Dr Mercedes Crisóstomo Meza | Doctoral profile
Professor Paulo Drinot | academic profile
Cover page of Dr Mercedes Crisóstomo Meza's doctoral thesis