The Spanish translation of Paulo Drinot's book 'The Sexual Question' is now published
4 May 2022

We are deligthed to announce the publication of Paulo Drinot's Historia de la Prostitución en el Perú. This book is the Spanish translation of Professor Paulo Drinot's book 'The Sexual Question: A History of Prostitution in Peru, 1850s-1950s'. (Cambridge, 2020)
The creation of Lima's red-light district in 1928 marked the culminating achievement of the promoters of regulation who sought to control the spread of venereal disease by medically policing female prostitutes. Its closure in 1956 was arguably the high point of abolitionism, a transnational movement originating in the 1860s that advocated that regulation was not only ineffective from a public health perspective, but also morally wrong. Read more about this book here (Spanish) or here (English).
Historia de la Prostitución en el Perú, 1850-1956 by Paulo Drinot, is published by the Instituto de Estudios Peruanos (IEP), Lima, May 2022.
Link to book's publisher's webpage, in Spanish
Link to Institute's press news item on the publication of the book's original English version
Link to book's publisher's webpage, in English
Instituto de Estudios Peruanos (IEP) | website
Professor Paulo Drinot | academic profile
[top] Book cover: Historia de la Prostitución en el Perú - a painting by Peruvian painter Víctor Humareda (1920-1986) 'The brothel'
[bottom] Professor Paulo Drinot