Your home qualification is not recognised for direct entry to UCL? UG Preparatory Certificates
30 March 2021

UCL Undergraduate Preparatory Certificates (UPC) are intensive and challenging foundation courses for international students whose home qualifications do not allow direct admission to UCL undergraduate degrees. Taught on campus in central London, the UPC provides students with essential academic and language skills, knowledge and support to progress confidently and smoothly onto an undergraduate programme at UCL or other top UK universities.
UCL Undergraduate Preparatory Certificate for the Humanities (UPCH) is for entry into Arts, Business and Mathematics-related degrees, Humanities or Social Sciences, including Economics and Law. Other UPCs are available for other disciplines. Follow this link to learn more about this unique alternative to aim for entry to UCL.
Link to Undergraduate Preparatory Certificates (International Foundations) webpage
Group of UG students in discussion