A selection of media appearances by UCL Institute of the Americas staff during 2020
Nadia Hilliard's US election article in The Conversation cited by The Washington Post
Read the article in The Washington Post by Ishaan Tharoor
November 11, 2020
Nick Witham: 'Could COVID-19 Trump Trump?' for the UCL Coronavirus: The Whole Story podcast series.
October 26, 2020
Paulo Drinot's NBn interview on his latest book: 'The Sexual Question: A History of Prostitution in Peru 1850s-1950s'
Listen to the interview on NBn (New Books Network) Latin American Studies
July 29, 2020
Emily Morris interviewed about COVID-19's impact on Cuban economy
Listen to BBC Radio 4 'The World Tonight'
June 12, 2020 - Cuba feature starts at minute 38:10
Jonathan Bell on Larry Kramer's death for ABC TV
May 28, 2020