Lecture: Police Violence and the Internet in Brazil: New Visibilities of Historical Patterns?
02 March 2016, 5:30 pm–7:00 pm
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UCL Institute of the Americas
UCL Institute of the Americas, 51 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PN
Graham Denyer Willis (Cambridge) - Egregious police violence has a long and racialized history in Brazil. Yet, in contemporary times, much police violence -torture, humiliation, execution- has become mundane, unexceptional and assumed. These kinds of violence have been made invisible, existing largely in and upon populations with little political voice. However, today, that may be changing. Some historical patterns of violence are being made visible, as though novel practices.
Graham Denyer Willis is University Lecturer in Development Studies and Latin American Studies in the Department of Politics and International Studies at the University of Cambridge, Fellow and Director of Studies in Geography at Queens' College, and Visiting Scholar at the Cambridge Institute of Criminology.