Student representation and committee membership

Student-Staff Consultative Committees (SSCC)
The SSCC is a forum for discussion between staff and student academic representatives. It’s a great chance to work together to improve students’ learning experience, and a big part of how we make education better at UCL. At the Institute of the Americas, the SSCC is chaired by Dr Josh Hollands. Our SSCC representatives for 2023/24 are yet to be elected.
Undergraduate Taught
Year 1
Adam Calaminus BA Year 1
Kamile Vaitkute BA Year 1 with a Year Abroad
Year 2
Millamay (Milla) Garrow BA Year 2
Katie Edwards BA Year 2 with a Year Abroad
Year 3 (Final year 3 and 4)
*Iris Nicholls BA Year 3
Vacant BA Year 3 with a Year Abroad
Postgraduate Taught
Bethany Proctor LA Programmes ( LAS Study Programme)
*Louise Burnett US Programmes (US Studies Programme)
Part-time Programmes Vacant
George Byrant Early Years
Yifei Li Final Year
Part-time programme Vacant
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
We have Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Committee for the Institute. The committee will aim to ensure best practice for the benefit of all staff and students regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, religion and belief. The terms of reference and membership of this committee will be posted here when confirmed for 2023/24.
UG EDI ( all years)
Juanita Owusu-Brobbey BA Year 1 with a Year Abroad
Elliott Hollingsbee BA Year 2 with a Year Abroad
Olivia (Oli) Castle MA US Studies Programme
Shodona Kettle PhD