André is a historian of Latin America specialising in nineteenth-century Brazil and the history of political thought. He holds a DPhil in History from the University of Oxford and is currently preparing his thesis, Republicanism and the State between Brazil and the River Plate: Rio Grande do Sul, 1808-1845, for publication with Oxford Historical Monographs (Oxford University Press). This monograph analyses the state-building processes and transnational revolutionary networks that underpinned the rise and fall of the Rio Grandense Republic (1836-1845), a failed separatist state in southern Brazil. André, has previously published on Brazil’s 1848 Praieira Revolution and is revising pieces on topics including the 1830s origins of Brazilian feminism and the relationship between River Plate caudillos and constitutionalism. At the Institute of the Americas, he is looking forward to teaching a range of UG and PGT Latin American History modules.
Teaching Summary
AMER0038 Encountering the Americas: Key Themes and Concepts (module convenor)
AMER0053: Research Methods
AMER0074: History and Politics of Latin America c.1930 to the Present
AMER0083: Latin American Revolutions
Post Graduate Taught:
AMER0027: Histories of Exclusion: Race and Ethnicity in Latin America
Republicanism and the state between Brazil and the River Plate: Rio Grande do Sul, 1808-1845 (under contract with Oxford University Press: Oxford Historical Monographs Series).
‘Anti-Vagrancy Laws and Forced Labour in Post-Colonial Brazil, 1824-1840’, in Timo Schaefer (ed.), The Social History of Law in Post-Colonial Latin America (The British Academy, forthcoming).