
UCL Alumni


UCL Mexico Alumni 'Welcome Back' Social 2020

18 February 2020, 7:00 pm–11:00 pm

Photo of Barrio Alameda, venue for the event

The UCL Mexico Alumni Association, in collaboration with UCL Student Recruitment and UCL Alumni Relations, invite you to the first alumni event of the year!

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to

UCL alumni






Alumni Relations Team

7pm Registration and welcome refreshments

7.30pm - 8.30pm 'Life at UCL: Ask our Alumni’ – prospective student networking with alumni

8.30pm - 11pm Welcome to recent alumni social over drinks and canapés

7.30pm - 'Life at UCL: Ask our Alumni'
The first part of this event aims to connect UCL alumni in Mexico with prospective students, who would love to hear from alumni like you as they prepare to move to London. Would you like to share your experiences of life at UCL with applicants and offer holders? If yes, please join us from 7pm. Refreshments are provided to thank you for your time.

8.30pm - Alumni 'Welcome Back' Social
In the second part of the evening, the UCL Mexico Alumni Association welcomes recent alumni. Please join us to meet old friends and make new connections over drinks and canapés. You will also have the opportunity to meet the committee, and learn more about the association and its plans for 2020.