We really appreciate all support offered to us by our volunteers. Find out more about our alumni volunteer agreement and how UCL will support you in your role.
Below details UCL’s Alumni Volunteer Agreement. In the event of an alumni volunteer not complying with UCL’s procedures on any of the below areas, these will be investigated and may lead to a cessation in the appointment as alumni volunteer. UCL may also cease its formal affiliation and support if an alumni volunteer is unable to adhere to the requirements set out in the role description, does not meet reasonable requests made by UCL, or wilfully brings the university into disrepute.
Equal opportunity
We will always treat our volunteers in line with UCLs equal opportunity policy. We expect volunteers to actively uphold this in their own volunteer roles. You can find more information on UCL's equal opportunity policy. We encourage you to take this policy into account if recruiting other alumni volunteers in your activities.
Health and safety
When organising events, please refer to our events organisation leaflet available in the alumni volunteer toolkit.
Use and management of social media, press and publicity
When interacting with social media sites, press and publicity, we ask that you are respectful in your actions and comments. Healthy debates are encouraged, but respect for others is a must. Please do not:
- Wilfully bring the university in disrepute;
- Use profanity, abusive language or personal/character attacks;
- Use material that is unlawful, obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, abusive, slanderous, hateful or embarrassing to any other entity as determined by UCL or local laws;
- Place advertisements and business solicitations;
- Send chain letters or ‘spam’.
In the use of social media, UCL reserves the right to remove posts we deem inappropriate or offensive or any post which meet the aforementioned content exclusions. UCL reserves the right to request the removal of members of social media channels. We also reserve the right to terminate formal recognition of a social media channel which does not meet the required standards.
For your safety, never include your phone number, email address or other personal information in a post. Your comments are visible to all. The views and opinions expressed on social media sites do not necessarily represent those of University College London. UCL cannot be held responsible for the accuracy, currency or reliability of information posted by external parties.
Data protection and confidentiality
As part of our commitment to our wider alumni population we promise to look after their data and only share it sparingly when there is a significant business need to do so (as determined by UCL). As part of this we require you to agree to the below confidentiality agreement which sets out what you will do with any personal data that we may share with you.
The Agreement
Volunteers must understand that the information that they have access to is confidential in nature, and that this data is held by UCL for educational, social & charitable purposes only, in accordance with the 1998 Data Protection Act and should not be used for any other purpose without consent. Within the terms of this agreement, they will at all times respect the privacy and security of all data which they have access to within the course of their volunteering for OVPA, whether in paper, electronic or other forms. They also agree that they will not, under any circumstances, pass any data to third parties, or comment on or discuss details of such data, except when it may be necessary to do so in order to undertake their voluntary role for OVPA, and with prior authorisation from the OVPA office. They also agree that they will not retain any data of any kind that they have access to during the course of their volunteering for OVPA.
When viewing or transporting confidential information in the course of their work, in electronic, paper or any other format, they agree to protect and maintain the confidentiality of this information. All personal data held outside of the OVPA database must be held under 256-AES encryption or within an IT network secured to industry standards.
They agree to help maintain the quality of the central UCL alumni database by forwarding any correspondence concerning address changes and informing OVPA when they become aware of any inaccuracies within the database. In addition, they agree to forward details of any meaningful contacts with alumni so that complete records of contact can be maintained.
They agree that no direct fundraising activities on behalf of UCL will be undertaken without the prior consent of the Director of Advancement and Alumni Relations.
UCL use of brand
As a valued member of the UCL community, UCL encourages you to use the alumni branding guidelines (available on request) when producing marketing and events materials.
Disclaimer: Please note the UCL logo, portico icon and the letters 'UCL' are the registered trademarks of UCL and may not be used or modified without permission. UCL takes no responsibility for any materials published in association with UCL alumni networks.
All alumni volunteers must certify that they understand and agree to comply with the policies and agreements stated above through signing the alumni volunteer agreement form. They accept the role of alumni volunteer and will adhere to the above mentioned standards and behaviours and they will work closely with UCL to maintain the highest standards.