This guide will show you how to use WinSCP to access the Research Data Storage Service
Before you start...
Please make sure you have downloaded and installed WinSCP from
If given the choice during installation, select the 'commander' style interface.
Note: WinSCP is already installed on Desktop @ UCL@Anywhere.
After installing WinSCP you will need the following:
- Your UCL user ID.
- Your UCL password.
- The path to your project space (please see step 6). For this example we are using "/rdss/rd01/testproject"
Accessing Your Storage
1. Start WinSCP
Fig 1. WinSCP login window
2. Enter your details:
File protocol: SFTP
Host name:
Port number: 22
User name: UCL user ID
Password: your UCL password

Fig 2. WinSCP login details
3. Click Login.
Trusting the host key of our service
4. The first time you try to access out service you'll be presented with a dialog box asking whether you'd like to continue to an unknown service. This is a fundamental feature of SSH, helping to prevent your data being intercepted by a third party by providing a known "key" (a series of numbers and letters separated by colons) for each server/service.
Fig 3. WinSCP Trust Host Key
Your home folder
5. When you first log in to our service you path will be your "home" directory/folder. All users of our system have a small home folder as it is required by the underlying service so that you can login to it. We recommend you do not use this space for storage!
Fig 4. WinSCP Home folder
Accessing your project space
6. To access your project space, you need to change your current location/path shown in the screenshot above to be your project path.You can find your location by checking the web admin portal, locating your project then finding the "How to mount the research data storage service. You need "location of your storage area"

7 Back to WinSCP, click on the path, then enter your project path into where it says open directory and press OK.

8. You should now see your data. You can drag and drop data as well as double click to open any files.

Related guides and other info
WinSCP has an extensive help documentation which can be accessed by clicking Help and then Contents on the menu bar.
Help & support
For further help and assistance, you can contact Research Data Support