
Advanced Research Computing


Software Carpentry Workshops

19 February 2025–20 February 2025, 9:30 am–4:30 pm

ARC's annual rota of Software Carpentries workshops resumes this academic year, and spaces are now available for booking!

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







Advanced Research Computing

ARC's annual rota of Software Carpentries workshops resumes this academic year, and spaces are now available for booking!

These workshops are focused on core skills needed for researchers who code - command line, version control and basic programming with Python. The programme targets beginners with little computational experience, focusing on a supportive environment to enable data-driven discovery. It also benefits experienced learners by teaching analysis and process management for automation and reproducibility.

  • Term 2: Feb 19/20th_ Bash, Git, Python (Online): Click here to register
  • Term 3: May 13/14th_ Bash, Git, Python/R (In-person): TBC
  • Late Summer: TBC (Online)

Please feel free to pass this along to any other groups or people who you think might be interested! If you're interested in the May workshop, or our late summer workshop, email arc.teaching+carpentries@ucl.ac.uk with an expression of interest to make sure you hear when details are finalised! If you'd like more information, you can get in touch using the same email as above.