
Advanced Research Computing


UCL Research Programming Hub

Welcome to the pages for the University College London Research Programming Hub.

Get involved

We aim to bring together research groups across the college who develop software for research to promote sharing, collaboration and community support. There are many ways to get involved with the Hub, online and in person..

Technical social events

These regular informal events are an opportunity to learn about useful tools and techniques which will help with your research while meeting other students and staff who use computers for science. Find out about upcoming events and register to attend on the Technical Social page.

Instant messaging channel

We get together as a community in a Slack instant messaging channel on the web. Please join us by signing up with an @ucl.ac.uk email address, or ask us for an invite if you're from a partner institution. You can also join the ARC mailing list for announcements.


Help for programmers

Research IT Training

Below are some of the resources available to help researchers who are involved in programming.

Tools and services

Version control, continuous integration and testing, Research Software Dashboard.

Recommended reading

Drop-in sessions

About the Hub

The hub brings together researchers from across the college who develop software for research. As a group we aim to promote:

  • The development of high-quality, reusable, well-tested, reliable software for research
  • The importance of readable code as a form of scholarly communication
  • The recognition of software as a first-class scientific output alongside papers and data
  • The value of best software engineering practices for research software
  • The application of cutting edge numerical methods and computational tools to research

We achieve this by:

  • Bringing together programming researchers in a variety of fields into a community of practice
  • Sharing techniques, tools, approaches and ideas across disciplinary boundaries
  • Helping each other achieve rigorous academic standards of quality and correctness in our software through review
  • Teaching and training in scientific programming for our students
  • Advocacy for the importance of good scientific software in UCL and more widely