
UCL Accommodation


3 ways to effectively distract yourself and still get work done

9 May 2022

With exam season well underway and it being crunch time generally for most students, it is more important than ever to know of some ways you can break up your time at the library. Student, Sammara Abbasi, shares some ways to distract yourself whilst still being productive!

books in a library

During this time of the year at the library, seats become precious real estate and the atmosphere is one of a manic, hyperfocused race to the end.  As a lifelong humanities student and procrastinator, I have spent a lot of time at libraries; sometimes by choice, mostly out of duty. So I have had to learn how to work under these conditions and break down my time with distractions (without the use of the internet) whereby I still come out the other end with my sanity intact. Here are some things I have learnt.

The Library, itself

Think of the library itself of a living institute that has a life beyond you and your understanding. That opens up a lot of opportunities for distractions! The library is full of books and magazines that take you outside of the study bubble. It is filled with some books that are older than you! I find it especially ‘rewarding’ to walk around the library in search of thought-provoking books to skim. 

When my brain has had enough of reading, I love to look at the photography books and ephemera in the art section of the library. It is like a mental palate cleanser. The strange and unfamiliar, the better. 

We condition ourselves to think the time we don’t spend worrying about what needs to be done is time we’re wasting. Best ideas come from when you are not actively worrying. If that still isn’t enough to convince you, think of it like this: It's not total procrastination because you’re still sort of learning. 

Going for a walk

This may sound basic and perhaps a little unhelpful. But, there is always more going around you than you think sitting there, simmering under the weight of your deadlines. There is always going to be work; how you manage that is unique to you and integral to striking a balance. So, I recommend ‘taking it all in’ by taking a little walk. Outside, spring is blooming and you deserve to be a part of that even for a few moments. Indoors, there is a fascinating exhibition under the main library’s dome. You never know what kind of encounter you may have once you open yourself up to your surroundings without expectations. For example, once I walked out to Wilkins Terrace and met an artist working on her ‘spaceship’ art installation. The point is, I never would have known that this installation was there had I not just walked out of the library for a bit.  

Food motivation

Of course, food. All that we (and animals) do, after all, is motivated by the call of our stomach. You should have proper meals but I also recommend treating yourself to a sillier food than usual on a particularly hard day at the library. When I am struggling, I break things up by going down to the refectory for their selection of jelly beans. I use these to motivate myself into working towards a small goal and after this goal is accomplished, I’m off to the jelly beans! (or various other sweets available). It is not for nourishment but it gives me a much needed serotonin hit. 
Everyone, no matter how much work you have to do, deserves a break!