Archive: Recent Changes 2021-22 An archive of the 2021-22 'Recent Changes' Academic Manual Changes for 2021-22 Updates to the Academic Manual 2021-22 Updating Moodle and Student Handbooks Core Programme Information now available to update Moodle and student handbooks for next year New UCL Student Attendance Policy UCL is launching a new attendance monitoring system – RegisterUCL – together with a new Student Attendance Policy Suspension of the Modern Foreign Language Requirement The Modern Foreign Language Requirement has been suspended with effect from 23 February 2021 Updated Academic Misconduct Procedures Amendments and improvements to the Academic Misconduct Procedures Internal Examiner Appointments The Internal Examiner appointment criteria have been simplified and aligned with the new Teaching Concordat New MBA Qualification Descriptor New Master of Business Administration (MBA) qualification descriptor published New Degree Apprenticeships Framework The new Framework includes forms and templates for Departments to use to ensure compliance with Ofsted requirements and funding rules Assessment Regulation Updates Minor amendments and improvements to the assessment regulations for taught programmes Registration Updates Minor amendments and improvements to the registration regulations for taught programmes Research Degree Updates Changes to the regulations for Postgraduate Research students for 2021-22 Admissions Updates Summary of the Admissions updates for 2021/22 Programme and Module Approval Updates Updates to Programme and Module Approval and Amendment for 2021-22 Academic Partnerships Updates A few minor changes have been made to the Academic Partnerships Framework for 2021-22 Self-Certification for 2021-22 New Self-Certification policy planned for 2021-22