For 2019-20 there are enhancements to the Programme Approval process and changes to the submission deadlines for all Programme Amendments
Click here to to go Chapter 7: Programme and Module Approval and Amendment Framework 2019-20
1. Enhancements to the Programme Approval process
Until 2019-20 the majority of the advice given in relation to new programmes was given at a Programme and Module Approval Panel (PMAP) meeting at the final approval stage when proposers were invited to attend the meeting and detailed feedback was given from a pedagogic, regulatory and student experience perspective
This feedback, at the final stage of approval, was often too late in the programme design process to be of most useful effect. In order to ensure that potential and significant issues are raised and addressed much earlier in the process, the following enhancements to the process have been introduced from 2019-20:
- For the PMAP process to provide feedback at the outline, rather than final, stage of programme approval.
- The continuance of meetings with initiators of programmes and the PMAP Chair and/or the Senior Policy Advisor (Programme Approval), on request, prior to submission of outline approval.
- The introduction of an Arena Centre led programme development day in between the outline and final programme approval stages. This will be delivered as a pilot in 2019-20 and become a compulsory part of programme approval in 2020-21.
- To include comments from Estates and Planning on all new programme proposals.
- Amendments to the supporting paperwork:
- replacing the Outline Module Forms with a summary table on the Programme Proposal Form submitted at the outline stage
- to consolidate the contents of both the Outline and Final Programme Proposal forms into one Proposal form
Programme proposals which have already been completed on the existing forms and templates will be accepted in 2019-20.
2. Changes to the submission deadlines for all Programme Amendments
In order to ensure the successful and correct marketing of programmes of study, all content for existing programmes must be fully approved and in place, prior to the start of the academic year in which the next recruitment cycle takes place.
By confirming programme content at an earlier stage, it means our marketing, admissions and programme amendment processes will be less onerous in terms of the required consultation with applicants, offer-holders and existing students, and will therefore reduce the potential risk of non-compliance with consumer legislation.
The deadline for all programme amendments is no longer the 28th February in the academic year prior to implementation.
The submission deadlines for all programme amendments are:
- For programmes running in 2020/21, all programme amendments must be submitted to Academic Services (either to the Lifecycle team to process or PMAP to note/approve) by 30th November 2019
- For programmes running in 2021/22, all programme amendments must be submitted to Academic Services (either to the Lifecycle team to process or PMAP to note/approve) by the end Term 3 2019/20 (12th June 2020).
The facility to make exceptional in-year changes to programmes, to be considered and approved by PMAP, remains unchanged.