
Academic Manual


Changes to Assessment for 2019-20

There minor amendments and clarifications have been made to enhance the assessment regulations, particularly around Examinations and Boards of Examiners.

Click here to go to Chapter 4: Assessment Framework for Taught Programmes 2019-20

Key Changes

Examination Adjustments

The deadline for Examination Adjustment applications (formerly Special Examination Arrangements) has been changed to three weeks before the relevant examination period (from five weeks), but the one week deadline for late examination adjustments has been removed. If a student has difficulties after the deadline, they should submit Extenuating Circumstances to access a deferral to the next normal occasion (usually the Late Summer).

Contact: examinations@ucl.ac.uk


In line with changes introduced during 2018-19, the policy has been updated to allow overseas examinations only for Distance Learning students and students unable to extend their visas for the Late Summer Assessment period. There are also some minor amendments to the items permitted in exam halls, exam hall misconduct, the marking of illegible scripts, and students arriving late for exams. 

Contact: examinations@ucl.ac.uk

Reasonable Adjustments for Religious Reasons

The regulations have been updated to provide better signposting. If students require reasonable adjustments for religious reasons, advice is available from UCL’s Religion and Belief Equality Policy and from the Chaplain and Interfaith Advisor to UCL.

Further information: UCL’s Religion and Belief Equality Policy
Contact: c.bradley@ucl.ac.uk

Reasonable Adjustments for Student Parents and Carers

The regulations around reasonable adjustments for pregnancy, maternity, paternity and adoption leave have been updated to provide better signposting to sources of help and advice.

Contact: academicregulations@ucl.ac.uk

Extenuating Circumstances

There are some minor amendments around excluding modules from progression/award/ classification, and additional clauses to allow UCL Student Psychological and Counselling Services to provide evidence. The EC Form has also been updated.

Contact: academicregulations@ucl.ac.uk