
About UCL


Strategy and planning

UCL’s future trajectory is guided by UCL 2034, the university’s 20-year strategy. Our Strategic Plan 2022-27 comprises a programme of change that supports progress towards our strategic objectives.

UCL 2034 


Our distinctive approach to research, education, and innovation will further inspire our community of staff, students and partners to transform how the world is understood, how knowledge is created and shared and the way that global problems are solved.  


London’s Global University: a diverse intellectual community, engaged with the wider world and committed to changing it for the better; recognised for our radical and critical thinking and its widespread influence; with an outstanding ability to integrate our education, research, innovation and enterprise for the long-term benefit of humanity.  

Find out more about our 20-year strategy, UCL 2034


UCL Strategic Plan 2022-27 

UCL’s Strategic Plan sets out our whole-university priorities for the next five years, focusing effort and investment on a programme of change to support our 2034 vision and mission.  

The Plan was developed through a year-long consultation (login required) with our community and stakeholders, where we reviewed our progress in research, education and innovation and reset our goals for the next period of our development.

UCL Strategic Plan 2022-27

Read the plan and find out how it will be delivered. 

Supporting strategies 

The five-year programme of change that comprises the Strategic Plan is enabled by a number of supporting strategies

  • Financial Strategy
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy
  • Change Possible: The Strategy for a Sustainable UCL
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy
  • Student Life Strategy
  • Data Strategy

UCL’s planning cycle 

While the Strategic Plan focuses on a set of institutional priorities, individual faculties, departments and other units continue to develop and deliver their own plans in response to particular opportunities and challenges. The planning cycle is coordinated by the Vice President (Strategy) team:  

UCL Planning

Advice and support for strategic and operational planning

Data and Insight

Analyst team working to deliver excellent insight to UCL's strategic decision makers.