For affiliate students leaving in December only (course codes ending in ‘A’): choose two essay questions from the questions for the first term on this list; these are equally weighted, and should be submitted to the history department reception by the official deadline,which is 5 pm on 12th December. Together these two essays should total about 5,000 words (including footnotes but excluding bibliography). I strongly recommend that you submit your first essay by my unofficial deadline of [teacher’s deadline] so that I have an opportunity to give you some tutorial feedback before you write your second essay. However, you will not be penalised if you do not meet this unofficial deadline.

For affiliate students who start the course in January only (course codes ending in ‘B’): choose one essay question from the questions for the second term on this list. This essay, which counts for 40% of the final mark, must be submitted by 5pm on 23rd March. The second essay, which counts for the remaining 60% of the final mark, will be a summative essay. Options for this essay will be posted on the departmental noticeboard outside room G06 on 27th April, and it should be submitted in person to the history department reception by 5 pm on 18th May and no earlier than 11th May. Together these two essays should total about 5,000 words (including footnotes but excluding bibliography).

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