Electronic resources and institutional repositories in informal scholarly communication and publishing

Aims and objectives

The primary aim of this thesis is to investigate the role of institutional repositories in the visibility and use of electronic resources with particular focus on digital resources outside the framework of formal electronic publishing. These will be referred to as non-formal e-resources. As the networked research environment allows academics to produce, communicate and access information in different ways this research aims to understand the role and characteristics of new digital resources within institutional repositories. The work will complement existing research on repositories and formal publishing and suggest the implications for scholarly communication and publishing in general.

The objectives are:

In order to achieve these aims the following research questions will be answered.

Main research questions

The main research questions can be divided into two areas: academics as producers of electronic resources and academics as users of electronic resources. As producers of electronic resources we need to know what their motivation is for creating this resource (i.e. the perceived demand they are fulfilling) and how they evaluate and assess the usefulness of this resource (i.e. perceived usage). As users of electronic resources we need to know what electronic resources are being used.


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Isabel Galina Russell