Tectonic discrimination diagrams revisited

Pieter Vermeesch
Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University


The decision boundaries of most tectonic discrimination diagrams are drawn by eye. Discriminant analysis is a statistically more rigorous way to determine the tectonic affinity of oceanic basalts based on their bulk-rock chemistry. This method was applied to a database of 756 oceanic basalts of known tectonic affinity (ocean island, mid-ocean ridge, or island arc). For each of these training data, up to 45 major, minor and trace elements were measured. Discriminant analysis assumes multivariate normality. If the same covariance structure is shared by all the classes (i.e., tectonic affinities), the decision boundaries are linear, hence the term linear discriminant analysis (LDA). In contrast with this, quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA) allows the classes to have different covariance structures. To solve the statistical problems associated with the constant-sum constraint of geochemical data, the training data must be transformed to log-ratio space before performing a discriminant analysis. The results can be mapped back to the compositional data space using the inverse log-ratio transformation. An exhaustive exploration of 14,190 possible ternary discrimination diagrams yields the Ti-Si-Sr system as the best linear, and the Na-Nb-Sr system as the best quadratic discrimination diagram. The best linear and quadratic discrimination diagrams using only immobile elements are Ti-V-Sc and Ti-V-Sm, respectively. As little as 5% of the training data are misclassified by these discrimination diagrams. Testing them on a second database of 182 samples that were not part of the training data yields a more reliable estimate of future performance. Although QDA misclassifies fewer training data than LDA, the opposite is generally true for the test data. Therefore, LDA is a cruder, but more robust classifier than QDA. Another advantage of LDA is that it provides a powerful way to reduce the dimensionality of the multivariate geochemical data in a similar way to principal component analysis. This procedure yields a small number of “discriminant functions”, which are linear combinations of the original variables that maximize the between-class variance relative to the within-class variance.

1 Introduction

Recovering the tectonic affinity of ancient ophiolites is a problem of great scientific interest. In addition to field data, basalt geochemistry is another way to address this problem. Tectonic discrimination diagrams have been a popular technique for doing this since the publication of landmark papers by Pearce and Cann (1971, 1973). This paper revisits some of the popular discrimination diagrams that have been in use since then. Nearly all discrimination diagrams that are currently in use were drawn by eye. The present paper revisits these diagrams in a statistically more rigorous way.

First, a short introduction will be given to the discriminant analysis method. The fundamental difference between the reduction in dimensionality achieved by principal components and by linear discriminant analysis will be explained. Then, the consequences of the constant-sum constraint of geochemical data for discriminant analysis will be discussed. In Section 4, Aitchison’s (1982, 1986) solution to this problem will be briefly explained. Section 5 revisits some of the historically most important and popular discrimination diagrams, based on a new database of oceanic basalts of known tectonic affinity. The effect of data-closure will be taken into account and a statistically rigorous re-evaluation of these diagrams will be made in both the linear and the quadratic case.

This paper does not restrict itself to only those geochemical features that have already been used by previous workers. Section 6 gives an exhaustive exploration of all possible bivariate and ternary discrimination diagrams using a set of 45 major, minor, and trace elements. This will result in a list of the 100 best linear and quadratic ternary discriminators, ranked according to their success in classifying the training data. Finally, Section 7 tests the most important discrimination diagrams discussed elsewhere in the paper on a second database of oceanic basalts that were not part of the training data. This provides a more objective estimator of misclassification risk on future data than the misclassification rate of the training data. Section 7 also contains a formal comparison of the new decision boundaries with the old ones of Pearce and Cann (1973), Shervais (1982), Meschede (1986) and Wood (1980). It will be shown that the new decision boundaries perform at least as well as the old ones.

2 Discriminant analysis

Consider a dataset of a large number of N-dimensional data X, which belong to one of K classes. For example, X might be a set of geochemical data (e.g., SiO2, Al2O3,etc) from basaltic rocks of K tectonic affinities (e.g., mid ocean ridge, ocean island, island arc,...). We might ask ourselves which of these classes an unknown sample x belongs to. This question is answered by Bayes’ Rule: the decision d is the class G (1GK) that has the highest posterior probability given the data x:

d = akr=g1m,a...x,K Pr(G = k|X  = x)

where argmax stands for “argument of the maximum”, i.e. when f(k) reaches a maximum when k=d, then akr=g1m,a..x.,K f(k) = d. This posterior distribution can be calculated according to Bayes’ Theorem:

Pr(G |X ) ∝ P r(X |G )Pr(G)

where Pr(X|G) is the probability density of the data in a given class, and Pr(G) the prior probability of the class, which we will consider uniformly distributed (i.e., Pr(G=1) = Pr(G=2) = ... = Pr(G=K) = 1/K) in this paper. Therefore, plugging Equation 2 into Equation 1 reduces Bayes’ Rule to a comparison of probability density estimates. We now make the simplifying assumption of multivariate normality:

                     (                     )
P r(X = x|G  = k) =       (2π)N∕2  |Σk |

Where μk and Σk are the mean and covariance of the kth class and (x-μk)T indicates the transpose of the matrix (x-μk). Using Equation 3, and taking logarithms, Equation 1 becomes:

              1        1
d = argmax -  -log|Σk|- -(x - μk )TΣ -k1(x- μk)
    k=1,...,K    2        2

Equation 4 is the basis for quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA). Usually, μk and Σk are not known, and must be estimated from the training data. If we make the additional assumption that all the classes share the same covariance structure (i.e., Σk = Σ k), then Equation 1 simplifies to:

            T  -1     1 T - 1
d = akr=g1m,.a..x,K x  Σ  μk - 2μkΣ   μk

This is the basis of linear discriminant analysis (LDA), which has some desirable properties. For example, because Equation 5 is linear in x, the decision boundaries between the different classes are straight lines (Figure 8). Furthermore, LDA can lead to a significant reduction in dimensionality, in a similar way to principal component analysis (PCA). PCA finds an orthogonal transformation B (i.e., a rotation) that transforms the centered data (X) to orthogonality, so that the elements of the vector BX are uncorrelated. B can be calculated by an eigenvalue decomposition of the covariance matrix Σ. The eigenvectors are orthogonal linear combinations of the original variables, and the eigenvalues give their variances. The first few principal components generally account for most of the variability of the data, constituting a significant reduction of dimensionality (Figure 2).

Like PCA, LDA also finds linear combinations of the original variables. However, this time, we do not want to maximize the overall variability, but find the orthogonal transformation Z = BX that maximizes the between class variance Sb relative to the within class variance Sw, where Sb is the variance of the class means of Z, and Sw is the pooled variance about the means (Figure 2).

3 The compositional data problem

One of the assumptions of discriminant analysis is that the elements of X are statistically independent from each other, apart from the covariance structure contained in their multivariate normality. However, geochemical data are generally expressed as parts of a whole (percent or ppm) and, therefore, are not free to vary independently from each other. For example, in a three-component system (A+B+C=100%), increasing one component (e.g., A) causes a decrease in the two other components (B and C). The constant-sum constraint has several consequences, besides introducing a negative bias into correlations between components. One of these consequences is that the arithmetic mean of compositional data has no physical meaning (Figure 3). This is very unfortunate because some popular discrimination diagrams (e.g., Pearce and Cann, 1973) are based on the arithmetic means of multiple samples, and it is these averages that are published in the literature. Therefore, the discriminant analyses discussed in this paper will not be based on these historic datasets, but will use a newly compiled database of individual analyses.

Another statistical issue that deserves to be mentioned is spurious correlation. Bivariate plots of the form X vs. X/Y, X vs. Y/X or X/Z vs. Y/Z can show some degree of correlation, even when X, Y and Z are completely independent from each other (Figure 4). This effect was first discussed more than a century ago by Pearson (1897), and was brought to the attention of geologists more than half a century ago by Chayes (1949). Spurious correlation is an effect that should be borne in mind when interpreting discrimination diagrams like the Zr/Y-Ti/Y diagram (Pearce and Gale, 1977), the Zr/Y-Zr diagram (Pearce and Norry, 1979), or the Ti/Y-Nb/Y and K2O/Yb-Ta/Yb diagrams (Pearce, 1982). Note that whereas in Figure 4, X, Y and Z are completely independent, this is never the case for compositional data, due to the constant-sum constraint described before. This only aggravates the problem of spurious correlation.

4 Aitchison’s solution to the compositional data problem

Although Chayes (1949, 1960, 1971) made significant contributions to the compositional data problem, the real breakthrough was made by Aitchison (1982, 1986). Aitchison argues that N-variate data constrained to a constant sum form an N-1 dimensional sample space or simplex. An example of a simplex for N=3 is the ternary diagram (e.g., Weltje, 2002). The very fact that it is possible to plot ternary data on a two-dimensional sheet of paper tells us that the sample space really has only two, and not three dimensions. The “traditional” statistics of real space (N) do no longer work on the simplex (ΔN-1). Figure 5 shows the breakdown of the calculation of 100(1-α)% confidence intervals on Δ2. Treating Δ2 the same way as 3 yields 95% confidence polygons that partly fall outside the ternary diagram, corresponding to meaningless negative values of x, y and z.

As a solution to this problem, Aitchison suggested to transform the data from ΔN-1 to N-1 using the log-ratio transformation (Figure 6). After performing the desired (“traditional”) statistical analysis on the transformed data in N-1, the results can then be transformed back to ΔN-1 using the inverse log-ratio transformation. For example, in the ternary system (X+Y+Z=1), we could use the transformed values V = log(X/Z) and W = log(Y/Z). Alternatively, we could also use V=log(X/Y) and W=log(Z/Y), or V=log(Y/X) and W=log(Z/X). The inverse log-ratio transformation is given by:

    ----eV-----     ----eW-----      -----1-----
X = eV + eW  + 1, Y = eV + eW + 1, Z = eV + eW + 1

The back-transformed confidence regions of Figure 6 are no longer elliptical, but completely fall within the ternary diagram, as they should. Figure 7 shows an LDA of the synthetic data of Figures 5 and 6, done the “wrong” way (i.e., treating the simplex as a regular data space). As explained in the previous section, such an analysis yields linear decision boundaries. 10% of the training data were misclassified. Figure 8 shows an LDA done the “correct” way (i.e., after mapping the data to log-ratio space). The decision boundaries are still linear, but this time only ~ 3% of the training data were misclassified. Because log(Y/Z) and log(X/Z) are rather hard quantities to interpret, it is a good idea to map the results back to the ternary diagram using the inverse log-ratio transformation (Figure 9). The transformed decision boundaries are no longer linear, but curved. However, the misclassification rate is still only 3%.

Note that there are two different kinds of constant-sum constraint. The first is a physical one, resulting from the fact that all chemical concentrations add up to 100%. The second is a diagrammatic contraint caused by renormalizing three chosen elements to 100% on a ternary plot. Aitchison’s logratio-transform adequately deals with both types of constant sum constraint. The first type is discussed in Sections 5.1 and 5.3, the second in 5.2.

5 Revisiting a few popular discrimination diagrams

In this section, a few historically important and popular tectonic discrimination diagrams will be discussed. They are:

  • Ti-V (Shervais, 1982)
  • Ti-Zr (Pearce and Cann, 1973)
  • Ti-Zr-Y (Pearce and Cann, 1973)
  • Zr-Y-Nb (Meschede, 1986)
  • Th-Ta-Hf (Wood, 1980)
  • SiO2-Al2O3-TiO2-CaO-MgO-MnO-K2O-Na2O (Pearce, 1976, but without FeO)
  • Ti, Zr, Y and Sr (Butler and Woronow, 1986)

The word “discrimination diagram” is used instead of “discriminanant analysis”, because most of these diagrams are only loosely based on the principles of discriminant analysis outlined in Section 2 and the decision boundaries were drawn by eye. This section will revisit the combinations of elements used in these discrimination diagrams. An extensive dataset of 756 samples (Figure 10) was compiled from the PETDB and GEOROC databases (Lehnert et al., 2000). It contains:

  • 256 Island arc basalts (IAB) from the Aeolian, Izu-Bonin, Kermadec, Kurile, Lesser Antilles, Mariana, Scotia and Tonga arcs.
  • 241 Mid-ocean ridge (MORB) samples from the East Pacific rise, Mid Atlantic ridge, Indian ocean and Juan de Fuca ridge.
  • 259 Ocean-island (OIB) samples from St. Helena, the Canary, Cape Verde, Caroline, Crozet, Hawaii-Emperor, Juan Fernandez, Marquesas, Mascarene, Samoan and Society islands.

All the training data had SiO2 concentrations between 45 and 53%. Duplicate analyses were excluded from the database to avoid potential bias towards overrepresented samples. From this database, two sets of training data were generated:

  • 11 major oxides (in weight percent): SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, FeO, CaO, MgO, MnO, K2O, Na2O and P2O5.
  • 45 major, minor and trace elements (in ppm): Si, Ti, Al, Fe(III), Fe(II), Ca, Mg, Mn, K, Na, P, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu, Sc, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Cs, Ba, Hf, Ta, Pb, Th and U.

The data are available as an electronic appendix1 . Not all samples were analysed for all the components. The dataset of major oxides is redundant, but a rescaling from % to ppm is avoided by treating it separately. Being admitted to the GEOROC and PETDB databases, it was assumed that the training data are reliable. Each datapoint in the electronic appendix is associated with a unique ID that allows the user to recover the original publication source. Different normalization procedures were used for different datasets, but this is unlikely to have major consequences for the discriminant analysis. So many data sources are mixed that at most, this mixing of normalization and laboratory procedures would have induced some additional random uncertainty, with only minor effects on the actual decision boundaries. Mixing different data sources and normalization procedures in the training data has the positive side-effect that the user is more or less free to use whichever normalization procedure (s)he wishes.

First, two simple bivariate discrimination diagrams will be discussed: the Ti-V diagram of Shervais (1982) and the Ti-Zr diagram of Pearce and Cann (1973). Many of the problems that plague the study of compositional data and were discussed in Section 3 are far less serious in the bivariate than the ternary case. Of course, Ti and V, or Ti and Zr are still subject to the (physical) constant-sum constraint, but considering they typically consitute less than a few percent of the total rock composition, a change in one element will have little effect on the other one when the raw measurement units are used on the axes of the bivariate discrimination diagrams. In contrast with this, all popular ternary discrimination diagrams have been rescaled to a (diagrammatic) constant sum of 100%, thus magnifying the effects of closure. For all of the following discriminant analyses, a uniform prior was used. Statistical analysis was done with a combination of Matlab® and R (http://www.r-project.org).

5.1 Binary discrimination diagrams

For the Ti-V system, the data were transformed to the simplex by the log-ratio transformation. Thus, two new variables were created: log(Ti/(106-Ti-V)) and log(V/(106-Ti-V)), where 106 is the constant sum of 1 million ppm. The discriminant analysis then proceeds as described in Section 2. The results are mapped back to bivariate Ti-V space using the inverse log-ratio transformation (Equation 6). Figure 11 shows the results of the LDA of the Ti-V system, whereas Figure 12 shows the QDA results. The decision boundaries look almost identical for both cases. Besides the decision boundaries, Figures 11, 12 and subsequent figures also show the training data as well as the posterior probabilities. One of the properties of many data mining algorithms, including discriminant analysis, is the “garbage in, garbage out” principle: any rock that was analysed for the required elements will be classified as either IAB, MORB or OIB, even continental basalts, granites or sandstones! Therefore, it is recommended to treat the classification of samples plotting far outside the range of the training data with caution.

In contrast with the Ti-V diagram, the decision boundaries of the Ti-Zr system look quite different between LDA (Figure 13) and QDA (Figure 14). The misclassification risk of the training data (i.e., the resubstitution error) of QDA is always less than that of LDA, because the former uses more parameters than the latter. However, this does not necessarily mean that QDA will perform better on future datasets. This problem will be discussed in Section 7. For now, suffice it to say that the resubstitution error can be used to compare two binary or two ternary diagrams with each other, but not to compare the performance of QDA with LDA or of a binary with a ternary diagram.

5.2 Ternary discrimination diagrams

The procedure for performing a discriminant analysis for ternary systems is very similar to the binary case. For example, for the Ti-Zr-Y system of Pearce and Cann (1973), we first impose the constant sum constraint: x = Y/(Ti+Zr+Y), y = Zr/(Ti+Zr+Y) and z = Ti/(Ti+Zr+Y). The log-ratio transformed variables are V = log(x/z) and W = log(y/z). Note that this transformation only takes care of the diagrammatic constraint x+y+z = 1. Strictly speaking, it does not account for the physical constraint Ti+Zr+Y+(all other elements) = 100%. However, Ti+Zr+Y only amount to at most a few percent of typical basalt compositions, thereby greatly reducing the impact of this second type of constant sum. It would be possible to correct for the physical constraint, for example by performing a discriminant analysis on the following three variables: log(Ti/(106-Ti-Zr-Y)), log(Zr/(106-Ti-Zr-Y)), and log(Y/(106-Ti-Zr-Y)). However, the results of such an analysis can no longer be plotted on a ternary diagram. In practice, neglecting the physical constant sum constraint does not severely affect the performance of the classification in this case.

Figures 15 and 16 show the results of both LDA and QDA transformed back to the Ti-Zr-Y ternary diagram. The raw variables of many discrimination diagrams are multiplied by constants to improve the spread of the data. This is equivalent to adding constants to the log-ratio transformed variables. Either transformation does not affect the discriminant analysis. As noted by Pearce and Cann (1973), the Ti-Zr-Y diagram is quite good at identifying OIBs, but cannot distinguish MORBs from IABs. The training data of the latter substantially overlap and their resubstitution errors are quite high. The posterior probabilies of the training data are low (<0.5 on Figure 16).

This is also the case for the Nb-Zr-Y system of Meschede (1986) (Figures 17 and 18). The high misclassification rate of both the Ti-Zr-Y and Nb-Zr-Y diagrams is largely caused by the large spread of IAB compositions, which is likely caused by the complexity of magma generation underneath island arcs, where mixing of multiple melt sources often occurs. The Th-Ta-Hf system of Wood (1980), however, achieves a much better separation between the three tectonic affinities (Figures 19 and 20). The decision boundaries of the QDA (Figure 20) are much more complicated than those of the LDA (Figure 19), without substantially improving the overall misclassification risk. Therefore, adding the extra parameters (covariances) was probably not worthwhile (see Section 7).

5.3 Multi-element discriminant function analysis

As illustrated by Figure 2, LDA offers the possibility of projecting a dataset onto a subspace of lower dimensionality. As explained in Section 2 this procedure is related to, but quite different from PCA. Therefore, it is somewhat puzzling why Butler and Woronow (1986) performed a PCA on a dataset of Zr, Ti, Y and Sr analyses of oceanic basalts. These authors were the first to note the significance of the constant sum constraint to the problem of tectonic discrimination, but they stopped short of doing a full discriminant analysis. Figure 21 does exactly that. The two linear discriminant functions (ld1 and ld2) are:

ld1  =  -0.016 log(Zr/Ti)-2.961 log(Y/Ti) + 1.500 log(Sr/Ti)

ld2  =  -1.474 log(Zr/Ti) + 2.143 log(Y/Ti ) + 1.840 log(Sr/Ti)           (7)
Note that the training data cluster quite well, that the clusters are of approximately equal size, and that they are well separated, resulting in a misclassification rate of only 8%.

Butler and Woronow (1986) were the first ones to note the potential importance of data-closure in the context of tectonic discimination of oceanic basalts. However, as said before, they did not use the log-ratio transformation to improve discriminant analysis, but performed a PCA instead, the implications of which are unclear. On the other hand, Pearce (1976) did perform a traditional multi-element discriminant analysis, but since his paper predated the work of Aitchison (1982, 1986), he was unaware of the effects of closure. Figure 22 shows the results of a re-analysis of the major element abundances (except FeO) used by Pearce (1976). The two linear discriminant functions are:

ld1  =  0.555 log(TiO2/SiO2 ) + 3.822 log(Al2O3/SiO2) + 0.522 log(CaO/SiO2 ) +
       1.293 log(MgO/SiO2 )-0.531 log(MnO/SiO2 )-0.145 log(K2O/SiO2 )-

       0.399 log(Na2O/SiO2)
ld2  =  3.796 log(TiO2/SiO2 ) + 0.008 log(Al2O3/SiO2) -2.868 log(CaO/SiO2 ) +

       0.313 log(MgO/SiO2 ) + 0.650 log(MnO/SiO2 ) + 1.421 log(K2O/SiO2 )-
       3.017 log(Na2O/SiO2)                                                  (8)
This discriminant analysis performs about as well as the Ti-Zr-Y-Sr diagram of Figure 21, although it uses many more elements. The benefits of multi-element LDA are clearly a decrease in misclassification rate. This comes at the expense of interpretability, because the linear discriminant functions (ld1 and ld2) have no easily interpretable meaning, in contrast with their binary and ternary counterparts.

6 An exhaustive exploration of binary and ternary discriminant analyses

Some of the popular discrimination diagrams discussed in Section 5 use a choice of elements that is based on petrological reasons (e.g., Shervais, 1982). However, more often the reasons are entirely statistical, i.e. those features are used that result in a “good” classification. If a database of N elements is used, there are (N)
 2=N(N-1)/2 possible binary diagrams and (N)
 3=N(N-1)(N-2)/6 possible ternary diagrams. For the database of 11 major oxides, this corresponds to 55 binary and 165 ternary diagrams, whereas the database of 45 elements yields 990 binary and 14,190 ternary diagrams. To efficiently summarize the results of these thousands of discrimination diagrams, a matrix visualization was used.

6.1 Binary discrimination diagrams

Figure 23 shows an example of such a visualization for all bivariate LDAs using the major oxides. Of the 756 training data, not all had been analysed for all major elements. The upper right triangular part of the matrices in this figure show the number of analyses for which both elements were measured. Using the same color-code but a different scale, the lower left triangular parts of the matrices show the resubstitution errors of the 55 possible bivariate LDAs. For example, the lower left triangular matrices of Figure 23 show that only 13.5% of IABs, 15.2% of MORBs and 7.4% of OIBs were misclassified by an LDA using TiO2 and K2O. The overall resubstitution error is 12%. The upper right triangular parts of the same figure show that 229 out of 256 IABs, 230 out of 241 MORBs and 203 out of 259 OIBs were used for the construction of the LDA, accounting for a total of 662 out of 756 training data. Figure 24 shows the same thing for QDA.

Figure 25 visualizes the results of all possible bivariate LDAs for the complete dataset of 45 elements. On the whole, Ti jumps out as the apparently best overall discriminator. One might think that the Tm-Sc diagram performs very well, considering that the overall error (shown in the upper right triangle of the lower right matrix of Figure 25) is only 7.7%. 12% of the IABs, 8.8% of the OIBs and only 2.4% of the MORBs in the training data were misclassified. However, the upper right triangular matrices of the same figure show that only 101 of 756 training data were used for the classification. Only 25/256 of the IABs, 42/241 of the MORBs and 34/259 of the OIBs were analysed for both Tm and Sc, thereby greatly reducing the reliability of the classification. Figure 25 shows the results of all possible bivariate QDAs for the database of 45 elements. The strikingly different colors of the lower triangular matrices on this figure illustrate the difficulties in classifying IABs. Both MORBs and IABs are relatively easy to separate, but the geochemical variability of IABs is much larger, for reasons discussed before.

6.2 Ternary discrimination diagrams

As calculated in the previous section, there are 990 ways to choose three out of 11 major oxides, and 14,190 ways to choose three out of 45 major, minor and trace elements. Although all these possibilities were explored in the framework of this research, it is not practical to visually show all the results in this paper, even using the highly compact matrix visualization. Therefore, only an (important) subset is shown of all ternary diagrams using Ti. As discussed before, many of the most effective bivariate discriminant analyses use Ti. In addition to being an excellent discriminator, Ti is also highly immobile, in contrast with for example Sr, which is another powerful discriminator. For these reasons, only the results of ternary LDAs and QDAs using Ti are shown in Figures 27, 28, 29 and 30.

The resubstitution errors of all 14,190 ternary LDAs (i.e., not only those using Ti) were ranked to find the best combinations of elements. Table 1 shows the 100 best LDAs. Only those diagrams for which at least 100 IABs, 100 MORBs and 100 OIBs of the training data had been analysed for all three elements were used. 2,333 out of 14,190 possible combinations fulfilled this requirement. The best ternary LDA uses the Si-Ti-Sr system. It has an overall resubstitution error of 6.2%, (2.7% for IABs, 2.8% for MORBs and 2.7% for OIBs), using nearly all the training data (221/256 IABs, 211/241 MORBs and 192/259 OIBs). Figure 31 shows the Si-Ti-Sr LDA in detail. Another powerful ternary diagram using minor and trace elements is the Eu-Lu-Sr system, which ranks third among all the ternary LDAs of Table 1. This diagram is shown on Figure 32. Many if not most of the best performing ternary LDAs use Sr as one of the elements. However, as discussed before, Sr is quite mobile during processes of alteration and metamorphism, potentially affecting the reliability of the discrimination diagrams using it. The Ti-V-Sc diagram, ranking 28th in Table 1, suffers much less from this problem and still has an overall misclassification rate of only 10.4% while using 374 out of 756 training data. Figure 33 shows the Ti-V-Sc diagram in detail. Table 2 lists the best performing (lowest resubstitution error) ternary LDAs, using the following 25 incompatible elements: Ti, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu, Sc, V, Cr, Y, Zr, Nb, Hf, Ta, Pb, Th, and U.

Table 3 shows the 100 best-performing ternary QDAs. The Na-Nb-Sr system performs the best, with an overall resubstitution error of only 5%. As shown on Figure 34, this diagram misclassifies only 22 out of 425 training samples. However, Na is a very mobile element and not much faith can be had in a classification that uses it for basalt samples that are not perfectly fresh. The Ti-V-Sm diagram (Figure 35) is the best-performing QDA using only relatively immobile elements. It is ranked 33rd in Table 3. Notice that both for LDA and QDA, the best-performing ternary discrimination diagrams using immobile elements contain both Ti and V, apparently confirming the effectiveness of the approach used by Shervais (1982). The latter author selected Ti and V for mostly petrological reasons, while the present paper arrived at the same elements using an entirely statistical method. The compatibility of both approaches lends more credibility to the results. Table 4 lists the best performing QDAs using ternary combinations of the 25 incompatible elements listed in the previous paragraph for which at least 100 training samples of each tectonic affinity were represented.

7 Testing the results

Some of the discrimination diagrams of the previous section were extremely good at classifying the training data. However, as briefly mentioned in Section 5, the resubstitution error is not the best way to assess performance on future data. Furthermore, QDA nearly always performed better than LDA, because the former involves more parameters than the latter. As the number of parameters in a model increases, its ability to resolve even the smallest subtleties in the training data improves. In a regression context, this would correspond to adding terms to a polynomial interpolator (Figure 36). For a very large number of parameters (equaling or exceeding the number of datapoints), the curve will eventually pass through all the points and the “error” (e.g., squared distance) will become zero. In other words, the high order polynomial model has zero bias. However, unbiased models rarely are the best predictive models, because they suffer from high variance. High-order polynomial models built on different sets of training data are likely to look significantly different because of irreproducible random variations in the sampling or measuring process. On the other hand, a one-parameter linear model will have low variance, but can be very biased (e.g., when the true model is really polynomial). This phenomenon is called the bias-variance tradeoff, and exists for all data mining methods.

By assuming equal covariance between the different classes of the training data, LDA is a very crude approximation of the data space. Therefore, it is likely to be quite biased in many cases. However, because of the bias-variance tradeoff, the variance of the LDAs described in previous sections is low. Therefore, the resubstitution error might actually be a decent estimator of future performance. However, things are different for QDA because it estimates the covariance of each of the classes from the training data, thereby dramatically increasing the number of parameters in the model. Although this reduces the bias (i.e., a QDA describes the training data better than an LDA), it causes an increased variance. For example, some of the intricate structure of Figures 16 or 20 might not be very stable. Therefore, the resubstution error is not a good predictor of future performance. It must also not be used for comparing the performances of bivariate and ternary discrimination diagrams.

The easiest way to obtain a more objective estimate of future performance is to use a second database of test data, which had not been used for the construction of the discrimination diagrams. Implementing this idea, a database of 182 test data was compiled from three locations:

  • 67 IABs from the Aleutian arc.
  • 55 MORBs from the Galapagos ridge.
  • 60 OIBs from the Pitcairn islands.

All previously discussed discrimination diagrams are represented in the error-analysis of Table 5. The left part of the table shows the resubstitution errors, while the right side shows the performance on the test-data. Figures 37 - 46 show the test data plotted on the binary and ternary discrimination diagrams. The new decision boundaries are shown in both log-ratio space and conventional compositional data space. As explained in Section 2, the decision boundaries are linear for LDA in log-ratio space. To allow an easy reproduction of these decision boundaries, four “anchor points” are provided for each LDA in Figure 21, 22, 37 - 46 and Table 6. Figures 37 - 41 and Table 7 allow a direct comparison of the decision boundaries of Shervais (1982), Pearce and Cann (1976), Meschede (1986) and Wood (1980) with the new decision boundaries constructed using LDA and QDA. Although it is hard to make a definite comparison due to the relatively small size of the effectively used test dataset, the new decision boundaries seem to always perform at least as well as the old ones. Because the test dataset is much smaller than the training dataset, it is more likely affected by the missing-data problem. For example, the test data contained no MORBs that had been simultaneously analysed for Th, Ta and Hf. For all the discrimination diagrams of Table 5, QDA performs better than LDA on the training data. On the other hand, LDA often performs better than QDA on the test data because of its lower variance. For example, LDA misclassified 17 out of 85 test samples using Ti, Zr and Y, whereas QDA misclassified 38 using the same three elements (Table 5). However, in most cases the difference is not so dramatic.

8 Conclusions

This paper revisited the observation by Butler and Woronow (1986) that traditional statistical analyses of geochemical data is flawed because it ignores the effects of data-closure. Since the work of Aichison (1982, 1986), it is possible to account and correct for the constant-sum constraint by transforming the data to log-ratio space. Butler and Woronow (1986) then went on to do a principal component analysis. The present paper instead uses the log-ratio method for the related, albeit different technique of discriminant analysis.

First, a number of popular discrimination diagrams were revisited. Many of these historically important diagrams were not derived from a real discriminant analysis sensu Fisher (1936), but were instead obtained by drawing decision boundaries by eye. A positive side-effect of this is that the resulting diagrams are much less affected by the constant-sum constraint discussed before. A negative consequence remains, however, that all statistical rigor is lost. Nevertheless, it is not the intention of this paper to discredit the discriminantion diagrams of Pearce and Cann (1973), Wood (1980), Shervais (1982), Meschede (1986) and others. Rather, the paper merely explains how to perform discriminant analysis of geochemical data in a statistically more rigorous manner.

After revisiting these historically important discrimination diagrams, an exhaustive exploration was done of all possible linear and quadratic discriminant analyses using a dataset of 756 IABs, MORBs and OIBs. The best overall performance was given by the Si-Ti-Sr (LDA) and Na-Nb-Sr (QDA) systems. The best LDA and QDA using only immobile elements are the Ti-V-Sc and Ti-V-Sm systems, respectively. One of the features of the old discrimination diagrams was a field of “not classifiable” compositions. If an unkown sample plotted outside the pre-defined fields tectonic affinity fields, it would be labeled as “other”. The revisited discriminant analyses discussed above do not have this feature. On the one hand, it might be considered a positive thing that the method no longer “breaks down” when encountering “difficult” samples. On the other hand, one might wonder what would happen if we were to plot a rock of very different affinity on the discrimination diagrams. To mitigate this “garbage in, garbage out” effect, we might want to opt for a hybrid solution, and only accept results for data that plot inside the old (hand-drawn) affinity fields, or within the clouds of training data shown on all discrimination diagrams in this paper (Figures 11 - 22 and 31 - 35).

Historically, discrimination diagrams and discriminant analysis have been the method of choice for geochemists to statistically classify rocks of different environments. However, discriminant analysis is not the only “data mining” method that can be used for this purpose. For examples, Vermeesch (in press) introduces classification trees as a potentially very useful tool for tectonic classification. Some of the advantages of classification trees over discriminant analysis are that the former (a) do not make any distributional assumptions, (b) can handle an unlimited number of geochemical species, isotopic ratios or other features, while still being easily interpretable as a two-dimensional graph and (c) can still be used if some of these features are not available. Two trees were constructed using the same training data as in the present paper: one tree using 51 elements and isotopic ratios and one using only 23 High Field Strength (HFS) elements and isotopic ratios. Both trees were evaluated with the same test data used on the discrimination diagrams. The full tree misclassifies 23 and the HFS tree 41 out of the 182 test data. Presently, the Si-Ti-Sr and Eu-Lu-Sr LDAs, and the Na-Nb-Sr and Ti-V-Sm QDAs introduced in this paper still outperform the trees of Vermeesch (in press). However, this is likely to change for trees created from a larger training set. Whereas discriminant analysis does not gain much from using exceedingly large training sets, classification trees continue to improve with growing sets of training data. Furthermore, the classification trees succeeded in classifying all 182 test data, even for samples missing several geochemical features. None of the discrimination diagrams achieved this. Therefore, it is probably a good idea to use a combination of both methods.


Many thanks to Cameron Snow for proof-reading the first draft of this paper. Careful reviews by Nick Arndt, Geoff Fitton and particularly John Rudge are gratefully acknowledged.


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List of Figures

Linear discriminant analysis
The difference between PCA and LDA
The consequences of the constant-sum constraint
Spurious correlation of ratios
The dangers of using “traditional” statistics on the simplex
Mapping compositional data from Δ2 to 2
Linear discriminant analysis done the wrong way
Linear discriminant analysis done the right way
Results of the linear discriminant analysis mapped back to the simplex
10 Geographical locations of the training data
11 Linear discriminant analysis of the Ti-V system of Shervais (1982)
12 Quadratic discriminant analysis of the Ti-V system
13 Linear discriminant analysis of the Ti-Zr system of Pearce and Cann (1973)
14 Quadratic discriminant analysis of the Ti-Zr system
15 Linear discriminant analysis of the Ti-Zr-Y system of Pearce and Cann (1973)
16 Quadratic discriminant analysis of the Ti-Zr-Y system
17 Linear discriminant analysis of the Zr-Y-Nb system of Meschede (1986)
18 Quadratic discriminant analysis of the Zr-Y-Nb system
19 Linear discriminant analysis of the Th-Ta-Hf system of Wood (1980)
20 Quadratic discriminant analysis of the Th-Ta-Hf system
21 Linear discriminant analysis using Ti, Zr, Y and Sr
22 Linear discriminant analysis using major element data
23 Exhaustive exploration of all bivariate linear discriminant analyses using only major elements
24 Same as Figure 23Figuresfigure.1, but for quadratic discriminant analysis
25 Matrices showing the performance of all possible bivariate discriminant analyses using combinations of 45 elements
26 Same as Figure 25Figuresfigure.1, but for quadratic discriminant analysis
27 Performance analysis of all possible ternary discriminant analyses using TiO2 and other major element oxides
28 Same as Figure 27Figuresfigure.1, but using quadratic discriminant analysis
29 Performance analysis of all possible ternary discriminant analyses using Ti and other elements
30 Same as Figure 29Figuresfigure.1, but using quadratic discriminant analysis
31 Best ternary linear discriminant analysis (using Si, Ti, and Sr)
32 Linear discriminant analysis using Eu, Lu, and Sr
33 Linear discriminant analysis using Ti, V and Sc
34 Quadratic discriminant analysis using Na, Nb and Sr
35 Quadratic discriminant analysis using Ti, V and Sm
36 Illustration of the bias-variance tradeoff in a regression context
37 The test data plotted on various versions of the Ti-V diagram
38 The test data plotted on the Ti-Zr diagram
39 The test data plotted on the Ti-Zr-Y diagram
40 The test data plotted on the Nb-Zr-Y diagram
41 The test data plotted on the Th-Ta-Hf diagram
42 The test data plotted on the Si-Ti-Sr diagram
43 The test data plotted on the Eu-Lu-Sr diagram
44 The test data plotted on the Ti-V-Sc diagram
45 The test data plotted on the Na-Nb-Sr diagram
46 The test data plotted on the Ti-V-Sm diagram



Figure 1: Discriminant analysis of three classes with equal covariance matrices leads to linear discriminant boundaries. The ellipses mark arbitrary (e.g., 95%) confidence levels for the underlying populations.


Figure 2: Similarities and differences between linear discriminant and principal component analysis. x1 and x2 are the original variables, pc1 and pc2 are the principal components and ld1 and ld2 are the linear discriminant functions.


Figure 3: One of the consequences of the constant-sum constraint of compositional data is that the arithmetic mean (marked by the open square) of populations (black dots) has no physical meaning. Instead, the geometric mean should be used (open circle).


Figure 4: X, Y and Z are uncorrelated, uniform random numbers. The strong spurious correlation of the ratios Y/Z and X/Z is an artifact of the relatively large variance of Z relative to X, Y and Z.


Figure 5: 95% normal confidence regions (e.g., Weltje, 2002) for synthetic trivariate compositional data partly fall outside the ternary diagram, a nonsense result illustrating the dangers of performing “traditional” statistics on the simplex.


Figure 6: Following Aitchison (1986), the statistical problems of Figure 5 can be avoided by mapping the data from the simplex Δ2 to 2 using the logratio transformation.


Figure 7: Linear discriminant analysis using the crude covariance approach of Figure 5. The red-shaded contours of the first three ternary diagrams represent the posterior probabilities for the three classes. The last diagram shows the linear decision boundaries. 10% of the training data are misclassified.


Figure 8: The same data of Figure 7, mapped to logratio-space using the approach illustrated by Figure 6. Linear discriminant analysis of these bivariate data misclassifies only 3% of the training data.


Figure 9: Mapping the results of Figure 8 back to the ternary diagram with the inverse logratio transformation shown on Figure 6 yields curved posterior densities and decision boundaries.


Figure 10: Locations of the training data: 756 Island Arc (IAB), Mid Ocean Ridge (MORB) and Ocean Island (OIB) Basalts.


Figure 11: Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) of the Ti-V system of Shervais (1982). The red-shaded contours on the first three subplots show the posterior probability of a particular “class” (IAB, MORB, or OIB) given the training set of 756 basalt samples and a uniform prior. The last subplot (lower-right) shows the new decision boundaries. The number of training data used and a resubstitution error estimate are given for each of the tectonic affinities. The overall resubstitution error is shown above the lower-right subplot.


Figure 12: Quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA) of the Ti-V system. In contrast with the LDA of Figure 11, each tectonic “class” was allowed to have a different covariance matrix, resulting in slightly different decision boundaries.


Figure 13: Linear discriminant analysis of the Ti-Zr system of Pearce and Cann (1973).


Figure 14: Quadratic discriminant analysis of the Ti-Zr system.


Figure 15: Linear discriminant analysis of the Ti-Zr-Y system of Pearce and Cann (1973). The posterior probabilities of nearly all the IAB and MORB training data are low (<0.4), resulting in large misclassification rates for these affinities. As noted by Pearce and Cann (1973), the Ti-Zr-Y diagram can be used to separate OIBs from IAB/MORBs, but cannot be used to distinguish between IAB and MORB. For this purpose, the Ti-Zr diagram (Figure 13) can be used.


Figure 16: Quadratic discriminant analysis of the Ti-Zr-Y system. The OIB/IAB decision boundary (at low Y) is nearly identical to that of Figure 15, whereas there is a lot more (unstable) structure at higher Y concentrations.


Figure 17: Linear discriminant analysis of the Zr-Y-Nb system of Meschede (1986). Like in Figure 15, posterior IAB and MORB probabilities are low, resulting in high misclassification rates.


Figure 18: Quadratic discriminant analysis of the Zr-Y-Nb system.


Figure 19: Linear discriminant analysis of the Th-Ta-Hf system of Wood (1980).


Figure 20: Quadratic discriminant analysis of the Th-Ta-Hf system.


Figure 21: Linear discriminant analysis of the Ti-Zr-Y-Sr system. ld1 and ld2 are the two linear discriminant functions, given by Equation 7. They represent two projection planes that optimally separate the three tectonic affinities (IAB, MORB, and OIB) (see also Figure 2). The encircled numbers on the lower right subplot are “anchor points” that can be used by the user to reconstruct the decision boundaries in logratio-space. The ld1/ld2 coordinates of these anchor points are given in Table 6.


Figure 22: Linear discriminant analysis of major element data (SiO2, Al2O3, TiO2, CaO, MgO, MnO, K2O, Na2O), mapped to 2 using the logratio transformation. ld1 and ld2 are given by Equation 8. Anchor points are given in Table 6.


Figure 23: Visual representation of the performance of all possible bivariate linear discriminant analyses using the major element data of the training set of 756 oceanic basalts. The upper right triangular section of each matrix shows the number of samples that contained both variables. The lower left sections color-code the fraction of successfully classified training data.


Figure 24: Same as Figure 23, but for quadratic discriminant analysis.


Figure 25: Matrices showing the performance of all possible bivariate linear discriminant analyses using combinations of 45 elements.


Figure 26: Same as Figure 25, but for quadratic discriminant analysis.


Figure 27: Performance analysis of all possible ternary discriminant analyses using TiO2 and other major element oxides.


Figure 28: Same as Figure 27, but using quadratic discriminant analysis.


Figure 29: Performance analysis of all possible ternary discriminant analyses using Ti and two of 45 other elements.


Figure 30: Same as Figure 29, but using quadratic discriminant analysis.


Figure 31: The best ternary linear discriminant analysis, using Si, Ti, and Sr.


Figure 32: Linear discriminant analysis using Eu, Lu, and Sr.


Figure 33: The best performing linear discriminant analysis using only incompatible elements (Ti, V and Sc).


Figure 34: The best performing quadratic discriminant analysis, using Na, Nb and Sr.


Figure 35: The best performing quadratic discriminant analysis using only incompatible elements (Ti, V and Sm).


Figure 36: Illustration of the bias-variance tradeoff in a regression context. The thick gray line is the true model (Y = X4). The white circles are 50 samples with random normal errors. The dashed line is the interpolator, which is one of infinitely many functions that go through all the datapoints and, thus, have zero bias. The solid black line is a linear regression model, which has a large bias but small variance. In this case, the fourth order polynomial (blue) is the best predictor of future behavior. Although it has larger bias than the 50th order polynomial (red) and larger variance than the first order polynomial (straight black line), it minimizes the mean squared error (MSE = variance + bias2).

b.PIC c. PIC

Figure 37: The test data (116/182 used) plotted on various versions of the Ti-V diagram with: a. the original decision boundaries of Shervais (1982), drawn by eye; b. LDA on the logratio-plot, with anchor points 1-4 given in Table 6; c. QDA on the logratio-plot, d. the same LDA as in subplot b., but this time mapped back to the “traditional” compositional data space; e. the QDA of subplot c. mapped back to Ti-V space. An error analysis of these and subsequent diagrams is given in Tables 5 and 6.

a. PIC
b. PIC c. PIC
d. PIC e. PIC

Figure 38: The test data (89/182 used) plotted on the Ti-Zr diagram with: a. the original decision boundaries of Pearce and Cann (1973); b-e as in Figure 37.

a. PIC
b. PIC c. PIC
d. PIC e. PIC

Figure 39: The test data (85/182 used) plotted on the Ti-Zr-Y diagram with: a. the original decision boundaries of Pearce and Cann (1973); b-e as in Figure 37.

a. PIC
b. PIC c. PIC
d. PIC e. PIC

Figure 40: The test data (58/182 used) plotted on the Nb-Zr-Y diagram with: a. the original decision boundaries of Meschede (1986); b-e as in Figure 37.

a. PIC
b. PIC c. PIC
d. PIC e. PIC

Figure 41: The test data (36/182 used, but no MORBs!) plotted on the Th-Ta-Hf diagram with: a. the original decision boundaries of Wood (1980); b-e as in Figure 37.

a. PIC b. PIC

Figure 42: The test data (164/182 used) plotted on the Si-Ti-Sr LDA diagram with: a. the decision boundaries and anchor points (see Table 6) in log-ratio space; b. the decision boundaries mapped back to the simplex.

a. PIC b. PIC

Figure 43: The test data (103/182 used) plotted on the Eu-Lu-Sr LDA diagram; a & b as in Figure 42.

a. PIC b. PIC

Figure 44: The test data (72/182 used) plotted on the Ti-V-Sc LDA diagram; a & b as in Figure 42.

a. PIC b. PIC

Figure 45: The test data (61/182 used) plotted on the Na-Nb-Sr QDA diagram with: a. the decision boundaries in log-ratio space; b. mapped back to Δ2.

a. PIC b. PIC

Figure 46: The test data (85/182 used) plotted on the Ti-V-Sm QDA diagram; a & b as in Figure 45.

List of Tables


Table 1: The 100 best ternary linear discrimination diagrams
rank elements resubstitution error (%) # IAB # MORB # OIB
  1 2 3 overall IAB MORB OIB (/256) (/241) (/259)
1 Si Sr Ti 6.2 10.0 6.6 2.1 221 211 192
2 Ti Sr Al 6.5 10.0 7.6 2.1 220 211 194
3 Eu Sr Lu 6.6 10.5 6.0 3.3 124 117 120
4 Sr Nb Y 6.6 13.4 3.9 2.5 157 127 160
5 Ca Nb Sr 7.6 16.6 4.8 1.4 157 126 142
6 Ti Sr V 7.7 9.5 7.2 6.4 158 180 156
7 Eu Y Sr 7.8 16.1 4.7 2.5 124 106 121
8 Ti Sr Ca 7.8 12.3 9.0 2.1 220 211 194
9 Ti Sr Sc 7.9 12.6 7.1 3.9 119 155 128
10 Al Nb Sr 8.1 20.4 3.2 0.7 157 126 142
11 Ti Sr Mn 8.1 11.9 8.3 4.2 219 204 191
12 Ti Y Sr 8.4 12.9 3.9 8.5 202 153 177
13 Eu Sr Yb 8.4 15.2 5.1 5.0 138 157 141
14 Si Nb Sr 8.8 19.5 4.8 2.1 159 126 142
15 Ti Sr Na 8.8 13.6 6.1 6.7 220 213 194
16 Na Nb Sr 9.0 22.3 4.0 0.7 157 126 142
17 Tb Sr Lu 9.2 11.0 9.8 6.7 100 102 105
18 Ti Nb Sr 9.3 10.1 14.3 3.4 158 126 149
19 Mn Nb Sr 9.4 19.7 6.3 2.1 157 126 140
20 Nd Y Sr 9.5 19.6 6.7 2.4 138 135 127
21 Ti Ba Al 9.5 11.1 16.0 1.6 217 144 192
22 Na Zr Sr 9.6 18.8 5.5 4.5 208 165 177
23 Ti Sr Lu 9.6 11.5 6.2 11.1 113 113 108
24 Al Sr Nd 10.1 20.9 4.5 4.8 139 177 125
25 Al Zr Sr 10.1 20.2 5.5 4.5 208 163 177
26 V Nb Sr 10.2 18.9 9.4 2.4 122 117 124
27 Tb Sr Yb 10.3 14.7 6.4 9.9 102 125 111
28 Ti V Sc 10.4 15.2 10.1 5.8 105 148 121
29 Ti Ba Na 10.4 9.7 15.8 5.7 217 146 192
30 V Nb Rb 10.4 10.7 14.2 6.5 122 113 123
31 K Nb V 10.6 10.7 14.0 7.0 121 129 114
32 Ti V Sm 10.6 17.3 6.8 7.6 104 162 105
33 Sr Zr Y 10.6 21.6 3.9 6.4 204 155 203
34 Ti Sr Yb 10.6 13.4 6.7 11.8 127 150 127
35 Na Sr Nd 10.7 22.3 7.3 2.4 139 179 125
36 Si Ba Ti 10.8 12.0 17.4 3.2 217 144 190
37 Ca Sr Nd 10.9 20.9 6.2 5.6 139 177 125
38 Nd Sr Yb 10.9 19.4 9.7 3.8 134 145 133
39 Sm Y Sr 11.0 21.9 5.1 5.9 128 137 119
40 Al Sr Eu 11.0 20.9 7.1 5.0 129 154 120
41 Yb Zr Sr 11.0 19.8 6.5 6.7 126 107 134
42 Ti Ba Sc 11.2 13.1 16.5 3.9 122 115 129
43 Sc Zr Sr 11.2 21.0 6.8 5.7 119 118 122
44 Si Sr Nd 11.3 21.9 6.2 5.6 146 177 124
45 Si Sr Eu 11.3 18.5 7.8 7.6 135 154 118
46 Sm Sr Lu 11.3 23.0 6.0 5.0 122 116 119
47 Ti Ba Mn 11.4 11.1 18.2 4.8 216 137 189
48 Mn Zr Sr 11.4 21.7 5.0 7.5 207 160 174
49 Si Zr Sr 11.4 21.8 6.1 6.3 211 163 175
50 Ti K Al 11.5 13.6 15.4 5.4 228 228 203
51 Nd Sr Lu 11.5 20.7 9.5 4.5 121 105 112
52 Ti Y V 11.6 19.6 8.4 6.8 153 155 147
53 Ti Sc K 11.6 10.7 15.4 8.7 122 162 126
54 Ti Rb Al 11.6 12.4 18.2 4.2 209 187 189
55 Ti Ba Ca 11.6 12.0 20.8 2.1 217 144 192
56 Si K Ti 11.7 14.0 14.0 7.0 229 228 201
57 Ti Ba V 11.7 10.8 16.0 8.4 158 125 155
58 Ti Sr Zn 11.7 12.8 11.9 10.6 149 109 142
59 Ti V Nd 11.9 16.8 9.0 9.7 113 155 113
60 Na Sr Ce 11.9 26.1 6.7 2.9 165 119 140
61 Ca Zr Sr 11.9 24.0 6.1 5.6 208 163 177
62 Eu Sr V 12.0 18.8 7.6 9.4 101 131 106
63 Ca Nb K 12.0 14.6 14.5 7.0 157 138 143
64 Mn Sr Nd 12.1 21.6 10.6 4.1 139 170 123
65 K Nb Y 12.2 14.2 16.2 6.1 155 136 147
66 Al Sr Ce 12.3 24.2 6.8 5.7 165 117 140
67 Ti V K 12.3 9.4 14.2 13.2 159 197 151
68 Si Rb Ti 12.3 12.4 19.3 5.3 210 187 189
69 Ti V Na 12.3 14.5 15.2 7.3 159 197 151
70 Al Nb K 12.4 16.6 13.8 7.0 157 138 143
71 Al Nb Rb 12.5 14.7 16.4 6.3 156 122 142
72 Ti K Mn 12.5 12.3 17.6 7.5 227 221 200
73 Mg Nb Sr 12.6 19.0 7.1 11.6 158 126 147
74 Sr Nb Zr 12.7 15.6 20.5 1.9 160 132 157
75 Ca Sr Ce 12.7 23.0 8.5 6.4 165 117 140
76 Nd Sr V 12.7 22.8 9.8 5.4 114 153 111
77 K Nb Na 12.7 16.6 15.2 6.3 157 138 143
78 Mn Sr Eu 12.8 18.6 9.5 10.2 129 147 118
79 Eu Sr Tb 12.8 23.6 7.6 7.1 106 131 113
80 Si Sr Ce 12.8 24.7 8.5 5.1 170 117 138
81 Na Sr P 12.8 27.3 6.4 4.7 220 202 192
82 K Zr Yb 12.8 18.4 11.3 8.7 125 106 115
83 Al Sr P 12.8 27.3 5.4 5.7 220 202 192
84 K Lu Eu 12.8 16.8 17.2 4.5 119 116 112
85 Ce Sr Lu 12.8 24.2 6.0 8.3 124 100 120
86 Ti Y Al 12.9 12.9 18.3 7.4 201 164 175
87 Si Nb K 12.9 15.7 15.9 7.0 159 138 143
88 Ti V Eu 13.0 21.0 9.6 8.3 100 146 108
89 Ca Nb Rb 13.0 14.7 17.2 7.0 156 122 142
90 Ce Sr Yb 13.0 23.2 8.7 7.1 138 126 141
91 Zn Zr Sr 13.1 21.8 8.3 9.2 147 109 152
92 P Sr Sc 13.1 26.1 6.6 6.7 119 151 120
93 Ti V Ce 13.1 13.5 14.4 11.5 126 104 122
94 Ti Nd Mn 13.2 21.1 13.8 4.6 142 174 131
95 Sm Sr Yb 13.3 25.0 7.7 7.3 136 156 137
96 Ca Sr Eu 13.3 23.3 8.4 8.3 129 154 120
97 V Zr Sr 13.4 21.7 8.2 10.3 157 147 156
98 Ti Ce Mn 13.4 19.9 14.9 5.5 171 114 145
99 Mn Nb K 13.5 15.3 17.4 7.8 157 138 141
100 Ti Cu V 13.5 13.1 15.7 11.7 107 108 120

Table 2: The best ternary linear discrimination diagrams using only incompatible elements
rank elements resubstitution error (%) # IAB # MORB # OIB
  1 2 3 overall IAB MORB OIB (/256) (/241) (/259)
28 Ti V Sc 10.4 15.2 10.1 5.8 105 148 121
32 Ti V Sm 10.6 17.3 6.8 7.6 104 162 105
52 Ti Y V 11.6 19.6 8.4 6.8 153 155 147
59 Ti V Nd 11.9 16.8 9.0 9.7 113 155 113
93 Ti V Ce 13.1 13.5 14.4 11.5 126 104 122
101 Ti V La 13.5 13.6 17.5 9.5 125 143 116
108 Ti Zr V 13.9 19.2 11.7 10.8 156 162 148
159 V Zr Y 15.3 26.8 9.7 9.4 153 155 149
182 Ti Nb V 15.9 23.1 17.1 7.4 121 129 121
189 Ti Cr Sc 15.9 26.4 16.7 4.7 121 162 127
208 Ti Cr V 16.2 23.4 14.3 11.0 158 182 154
249 La Nb Zr 17.1 21.4 19.8 9.9 140 101 131
251 Nd Nb Y 17.1 35.7 11.5 4.1 129 113 123
252 Ti Zr Sc 17.1 22.9 22.5 5.9 118 120 119
267 V Nb Y 17.3 30.8 18.6 2.4 120 129 124
277 Nd Y V 17.5 38.1 9.6 4.9 113 125 103
324 Sm Nb Y 18.2 35.2 15.0 4.3 122 113 115
380 La Y V 19.1 31.5 16.0 9.8 124 106 112
385 La Zr V 19.2 32.0 17.3 8.2 125 110 110
393 Ti Y Sc 19.3 28.6 25.9 3.4 112 112 118
423 Ti Sc La 19.8 28.3 26.5 4.5 113 117 112
426 Nd Zr V 19.8 35.4 15.2 8.7 113 125 103
538 Sc Zr V 21.5 32.4 23.5 8.7 105 115 115
543 Ti Y Nd 21.6 42.6 16.4 5.7 136 134 122
551 Ti Y Sm 21.7 42.9 16.2 6.1 126 136 114
584 Ce V Yb 22.2 43.0 19.0 4.6 100 105 108
587 Sm Zr Y 22.3 50.4 8.7 7.8 127 138 116
591 Sc Zr Y 22.3 33.0 27.0 7.0 112 115 115
612 La Zr Yb 22.6 38.9 21.0 7.9 126 105 127
624 Ti Y La 22.7 38.6 25.0 4.5 153 116 134
633 Nd Zr Yb 22.8 48.0 13.9 6.6 123 101 122
639 Ti Nb Nd 22.9 34.1 25.9 8.7 129 112 115
646 Sc Zr Cr 23.0 35.5 23.4 10.1 121 124 119
658 Nd Zr Y 23.1 48.9 14.0 6.5 137 136 124
659 Sc Y V 23.1 28.2 19.8 21.4 103 111 117
679 Nd Cr Sc 23.4 43.0 22.2 4.9 100 135 103
766 La Zr Y 24.3 41.9 23.7 7.3 155 118 150
777 La V Yb 24.5 44.0 22.6 6.8 100 124 103
787 Ti Cr Lu 24.6 40.9 25.2 7.7 110 115 104
791 Ce Cr V 24.7 37.3 21.9 14.8 126 105 122
806 Nd Nb Zr 24.9 37.4 29.7 7.6 131 118 119
817 V Zr Cr 25.0 32.7 24.2 18.2 156 149 154
836 La Cr V 25.3 41.6 21.4 12.8 125 131 117
861 Ti Nb Sm 25.5 35.0 33.0 8.4 123 112 107
869 Ti Cr Yb 25.6 42.5 26.0 8.3 120 131 121
894 Ti Yb Ce 25.8 47.4 26.2 3.8 133 122 130
899 La Cr Sc 25.9 42.1 23.8 11.7 121 122 111
900 V Nb Zr 25.9 39.3 33.3 5.0 122 129 120
908 Sm Zr Yb 26.0 64.6 5.6 7.9 127 108 126
957 Sc Y Cr 26.6 27.7 24.1 28.0 112 116 118
966 Ti Yb Nd 26.6 53.2 22.7 4.1 126 141 123
976 Ti Yb La 26.8 44.6 30.2 5.6 130 149 126
977 Nd Cr V 26.8 41.6 25.4 13.5 113 142 111
984 Sm Cr Lu 26.9 56.6 20.2 3.8 113 114 104

Table 3: The 100 best ternary quadratic discrimination diagrams
rank elements resubstitution error (%) # IAB # MORB # OIB
  1 2 3 overall IAB MORB OIB (/256) (/241) (/259)
1 Na Nb Sr 5.0 8.3 4.0 2.8 157 126 142
2 Al Nb Sr 5.7 10.2 4.0 2.8 157 126 142
3 Si Nb Sr 5.9 10.1 4.0 3.5 159 126 142
4 Ca Nb Sr 6.0 9.6 5.6 2.8 157 126 142
5 Sr Nb Y 6.1 7.0 3.9 7.5 157 127 160
6 Eu Sr Lu 6.3 9.7 7.7 1.7 124 117 120
7 Ti Sr Al 6.7 10.0 8.1 2.1 220 211 194
8 Si Sr Ti 6.7 9.5 8.1 2.6 221 211 192
9 Mn Nb Sr 6.9 10.2 6.3 4.3 157 126 140
10 Ti Sr V 7.0 7.6 8.9 4.5 158 180 156
11 Ti Sr Na 7.9 10.9 6.6 6.2 220 213 194
12 Eu Sr Yb 7.9 13.0 5.7 5.0 138 157 141
13 Ti Sr Lu 8.0 11.5 8.0 4.6 113 113 108
14 Ti Sr Sc 8.0 12.6 8.4 3.1 119 155 128
15 Na Zr Sr 8.1 14.4 4.8 5.1 208 165 177
16 Ti Sr Ca 8.1 11.8 9.5 3.1 220 211 194
17 Ti Sr Mn 8.2 10.5 10.3 3.7 219 204 191
18 Eu Y Sr 8.4 16.9 5.7 2.5 124 106 121
19 Al Sr Eu 8.6 14.7 8.4 2.5 129 154 120
20 K Nb V 8.6 9.1 12.4 4.4 121 129 114
21 V Nb Rb 8.8 9.0 13.3 4.1 122 113 123
22 Ti Y Sr 8.9 11.9 5.2 9.6 202 153 177
23 Na Sr Eu 9.0 16.3 5.8 5.0 129 156 120
24 Al Zr Sr 9.1 14.9 6.7 5.6 208 163 177
25 V Nb Sr 9.2 12.3 12.0 3.2 122 117 124
26 Tb Sr Lu 9.2 13.0 9.8 4.8 100 102 105
27 Ti Nb Sr 9.2 5.7 15.9 6.0 158 126 149
28 Ti Sr Yb 9.2 13.4 8.0 6.3 127 150 127
29 Nd Y Sr 9.3 17.4 5.9 4.7 138 135 127
30 Al Nb K 10.0 12.7 10.9 6.3 157 138 143
31 K Nb Na 10.0 12.7 13.0 4.2 157 138 143
32 Ti Ba Al 10.0 10.6 13.2 6.3 217 144 192
33 Ti V Sm 10.0 12.5 6.2 11.4 104 162 105
34 Ti V Nd 10.1 12.4 9.0 8.8 113 155 113
35 Ti Ba Na 10.1 12.4 13.7 4.2 217 146 192
36 Mg Nb Sr 10.3 11.4 7.1 12.2 158 126 147
37 Si Zr Sr 10.4 17.5 6.7 6.9 211 163 175
38 Nd Sr Yb 10.4 19.4 9.7 2.3 134 145 133
39 Ca Zr Sr 10.5 20.2 6.1 5.1 208 163 177
40 Yb Zr Sr 10.5 18.3 6.5 6.7 126 107 134
41 Sr Zr Y 10.5 19.1 4.5 7.9 204 155 203
42 Si Sr Eu 10.5 15.6 8.4 7.6 135 154 118
43 Ca Sr Nd 10.5 20.9 6.8 4.0 139 177 125
44 Mn Zr Sr 10.6 19.3 6.3 6.3 207 160 174
45 Al Sr Nd 10.7 22.3 5.6 4.0 139 177 125
46 Ca Sr Eu 10.7 17.1 8.4 6.7 129 154 120
47 Ti V Sc 10.8 17.1 9.5 5.8 105 148 121
48 Al Nb Rb 10.8 11.5 13.9 7.0 156 122 142
49 Ca Nb K 10.9 12.1 13.0 7.7 157 138 143
50 Sm Y Sr 11.0 23.4 4.4 5.0 128 137 119
51 Na Nb Rb 11.0 11.5 16.4 4.9 156 122 142
52 V Zr Sr 11.0 17.2 7.5 8.3 157 147 156
53 Si Sr Nd 11.1 21.9 7.3 4.0 146 177 124
54 Si Nb K 11.1 12.6 13.8 7.0 159 138 143
55 Sc Zr Sr 11.2 19.3 6.8 7.4 119 118 122
56 Ti Cu Al 11.2 10.7 16.8 6.0 121 107 134
57 Nd Sr Lu 11.3 19.8 11.4 2.7 121 105 112
58 Ti Sc K 11.4 11.5 15.4 7.1 122 162 126
59 Sm Sr Lu 11.4 20.5 7.8 5.9 122 116 119
60 Ti K Al 11.4 13.2 13.6 7.4 228 228 203
61 Eu Sr V 11.4 18.8 6.9 8.5 101 131 106
62 Ti V Na 11.4 12.6 13.7 7.9 159 197 151
63 Rb Nb Y 11.4 11.5 14.6 8.1 156 123 160
64 Si Ba Ti 11.4 11.5 16.0 6.8 217 144 190
65 Ti Sr Zn 11.5 11.4 11.0 12.0 149 109 142
66 K Nb Y 11.5 11.6 16.2 6.8 155 136 147
67 Ti Ba Sc 11.7 14.8 15.7 4.7 122 115 129
68 Mn Nb K 11.7 12.7 18.1 4.3 157 138 141
69 Zn Zr Sr 11.7 17.7 8.3 9.2 147 109 152
70 Ti Lu Mn 11.7 20.3 13.9 1.0 118 115 105
71 Tb Sr Yb 11.8 16.7 9.6 9.0 102 125 111
72 Ti V K 11.8 8.2 15.2 11.9 159 197 151
73 Na Sr Nd 11.8 24.5 7.8 3.2 139 179 125
74 Si Nb Rb 11.8 11.4 16.4 7.7 158 122 142
75 Na Sr Ce 11.9 23.0 7.6 5.0 165 119 140
76 Mn Sr Nd 11.9 21.6 10.0 4.1 139 170 123
77 Sr Nb Zr 11.9 8.1 21.2 6.4 160 132 157
78 Ti K Mn 11.9 11.5 16.3 8.0 227 221 200
79 Ti Rb Na 12.0 15.3 14.8 5.8 209 189 189
80 Ti Y V 12.0 19.6 12.3 4.1 153 155 147
81 Si K Ti 12.0 12.7 14.9 8.5 229 228 201
82 Si Ni Ti 12.0 24.2 10.2 1.7 211 205 180
83 P Y Sr 12.1 23.3 4.7 8.2 202 149 170
84 Ca Nb Rb 12.1 11.5 16.4 8.5 156 122 142
85 Ti Ba V 12.1 12.0 16.0 8.4 158 125 155
86 Ti Rb Al 12.1 12.4 17.6 6.3 209 187 189
87 Ti Ba Mn 12.2 12.0 19.7 4.8 216 137 189
88 K Yb Nd 12.2 22.8 11.3 2.5 127 141 121
89 Al Sr Ce 12.3 24.2 6.8 5.7 165 117 140
90 K Lu Nd 12.3 19.5 13.6 3.8 113 103 104
91 Ti Ba Ca 12.3 12.0 18.8 6.3 217 144 192
92 Mn Sr Eu 12.3 16.3 8.8 11.9 129 147 118
93 Ti V P 12.3 13.2 11.1 12.8 159 190 149
94 Mn Nb Rb 12.3 11.5 20.5 5.0 156 122 140
95 Sm Sr V 12.4 19.0 7.5 10.7 105 160 103
96 Ca Sr Ce 12.4 23.0 8.5 5.7 165 117 140
97 Ti V La 12.5 13.6 16.1 7.8 125 143 116
98 Ti Sr Cu 12.6 10.8 9.8 17.0 120 102 141
99 Nd Sr V 12.6 21.9 10.5 5.4 114 153 111
100 Ti Rb V 12.6 10.5 16.8 10.7 153 161 150

Table 4: The best ternary quadratic discrimination diagrams using only incompatible elements
rank elements resubstitution error (%) # IAB # MORB # OIB
  1 2 3 overall IAB MORB OIB (/256) (/241) (/259)
33 Ti V Sm 10.0 12.5 6.2 11.4 104 162 105
34 Ti V Nd 10.1 12.4 9.0 8.8 113 155 113
47 Ti V Sc 10.8 17.1 9.5 5.8 105 148 121
80 Ti Y V 12.0 19.6 12.3 4.1 153 155 147
97 Ti V La 12.5 13.6 16.1 7.8 125 143 116
118 Ti V Ce 13.1 14.3 14.4 10.7 126 104 122
123 Nd Nb Y 13.3 28.7 7.1 4.1 129 113 123
163 Ti Zr V 14.4 18.6 11.7 12.8 156 162 148
182 Ti Nb V 14.8 23.1 16.3 5.0 121 129 121
202 V Zr Y 15.1 23.5 12.9 8.7 153 155 149
232 Ti Cr Sc 15.5 31.4 13.6 1.6 121 162 127
252 La Nb Zr 15.9 15.7 19.8 12.2 140 101 131
283 Ti Cr V 16.3 25.3 12.6 11.0 158 182 154
310 Ti Nb Nd 16.8 19.4 17.0 13.9 129 112 115
340 V Nb Y 17.3 29.2 17.8 4.8 120 129 124
353 Nd Zr V 17.5 31.9 12.8 7.8 113 125 103
365 Nd Y V 17.6 37.2 8.8 6.8 113 125 103
405 La Zr V 18.2 27.2 17.3 10.0 125 110 110
407 Sm Nb Y 18.2 36.1 9.7 8.7 122 113 115
408 Ti Lu Sm 18.2 44.8 7.0 2.7 116 114 113
443 Ti Y Nd 18.6 37.5 12.7 5.7 136 134 122
448 La Y V 18.7 32.3 14.2 9.8 124 106 112
461 Nd Zr Y 18.9 40.1 11.8 4.8 137 136 124
485 Ti Sc La 19.3 38.1 15.4 4.5 113 117 112
494 Sc Zr Y 19.4 36.6 19.1 2.6 112 115 115
506 Nd Zr Yb 19.6 43.9 10.9 4.1 123 101 122
536 Ti Zr Sc 20.0 39.0 14.2 6.7 118 120 119
548 Nd Cr Sc 20.1 43.0 13.3 3.9 100 135 103
568 Nd Nb Zr 20.3 30.5 21.2 9.2 131 118 119
571 Ti Y Sm 20.4 47.6 7.4 6.1 126 136 114
573 Nd Nb Sm 20.4 33.9 15.4 11.9 124 117 109
590 Ti Y Sc 20.5 42.0 17.9 1.7 112 112 118
591 Sc Zr V 20.5 38.1 13.0 10.4 105 115 115
593 Sc Zr Cr 20.6 38.0 16.9 6.7 121 124 119
610 Ti Yb Sm 20.8 51.1 7.2 3.9 131 152 127
620 La Zr Yb 20.9 38.9 14.3 9.4 126 105 127
633 Ti Lu Nd 21.0 44.6 15.5 2.8 112 103 106
656 Ti Y La 21.2 44.4 14.7 4.5 153 116 134
670 Ti Cr Lu 21.4 50.9 10.4 2.9 110 115 104
690 Ce Cr V 21.7 36.5 16.2 12.3 126 105 122
759 Sm Zr Y 22.3 50.4 8.0 8.6 127 138 116
773 Ti Yb Nd 22.6 52.4 12.1 3.3 126 141 123
791 Sc Y V 22.8 31.1 12.6 24.8 103 111 117
792 Ce V Yb 22.8 44.0 16.2 8.3 100 105 108
797 Ti Lu La 22.9 50.0 16.1 2.7 118 112 113
803 Ti Zr Yb 23.0 48.8 15.1 5.1 125 106 117
818 La Cr V 23.2 42.4 16.0 11.1 125 131 117
824 Ti Zr Y 23.2 51.7 11.6 6.4 201 164 173
829 La Cr Sc 23.3 46.3 16.4 7.2 121 122 111
838 Sm Zr Yb 23.4 52.0 11.1 7.1 127 108 126
858 V Zr Cr 23.6 35.9 16.1 18.8 156 149 154
865 Sm Cr Lu 23.7 54.9 12.3 3.8 113 114 104
867 Nd Cr V 23.7 41.6 16.9 12.6 113 142 111
930 La V Yb 24.3 47.0 16.1 9.7 100 124 103
932 Ti Cr Yb 24.3 55.0 13.7 4.1 120 131 121
936 Sc Y Cr 24.3 29.5 15.5 28.0 112 116 118
941 Sm Cr Yb 24.4 53.7 13.4 6.0 123 134 116
947 La Zr Y 24.5 47.1 16.9 9.3 155 118 150
958 Ti Yb Ce 24.5 54.1 16.4 3.1 133 122 130

Table 5: Misclassification estimates
true predicted (training) predicted (test)
linear Ti-V
IAB 130 24 5 19 8 0
MORB 34 153 10 2 39 12
OIB 0 14 144 0 0 36
quadratic Ti-V
IAB 127 27 5 19 8 0
MORB 26 161 10 4 37 12
OIB 0 14 144 0 0 36
linear Ti-Zr
IAB 176 28 6 36 10 1
MORB 34 125 22 0 7 4
OIB 0 17 170 0 2 29
quadratic Ti-Zr
IAB 167 37 6 32 14 1
MORB 20 148 13 3 5 3
OIB 5 18 164 0 4 27
linear Ti-Zr-Y
IAB 89 101 11 33 9 3
MORB 67 91 6 0 11 0
OIB 6 5 162 3 2 24
quadratic Ti-Zr-Y
IAB 97 93 11 20 22 3
MORB 11 145 8 6 5 0
OIB 8 3 162 3 2 24
linear Zr-Y-Nb
IAB 81 57 19 16 5 2
MORB 73 55 11 2 6 0
OIB 1 6 149 0 4 23
quadratic Zr-Y-Nb
IAB 60 79 18 6 17 0
MORB 12 115 12 0 8 0
OIB 5 5 146 2 2 23
linear Th-Ta-Hf
IAB 78 6 10 12 12 2
MORB 0 37 14 0 0 0
OIB 0 13 69 0 0 10
quadratic Th-Ta-Hf
IAB 81 3 10 14 10 2
MORB 1 38 12 0 0 0
OIB 4 12 66 0 0 10
linear discriminant function analysis of
SiO$ _2$,Al$ _2$O$ _3$,TiO$ _2$,CaO,MgO,MnO,K$ _2$O and Na$ _2$O
IAB 205 15 7 52 7 5
MORB 7 205 9 2 17 4
OIB 2 8 188 1 0 59
linear discriminant function analysis of Ti, Zr, Y and Sr
IAB 175 13 13 41 1 2
MORB 3 145 3 0 10 0
OIB 5 5 163 0 4 25
linear Si-Ti-Sr
IAB 199 15 7 45 9 7
MORB 7 197 7 0 45 1
OIB 0 4 188 0 0 57
linear Eu-Lu-Sr
IAB 111 9 4 31 7 3
MORB 3 110 4 0 35 0
OIB 1 3 116 0 0 27
linear Ti-V-Sc
IAB 89 11 5 19 0 0
MORB 10 133 5 9 28 4
OIB 0 7 114 0 0 12
quadratic Na-Nb-Sr
IAB 144 6 7 21 0 0
MORB 2 121 3 5 7 0
OIB 4 0 138 0 0 28
quadratic Ti-V-Sm
IAB 91 8 5 24 2 0
MORB 5 152 5 1 44 5
OIB 3 9 93 0 0 9

Table 6: Anchor points for selected linear discriminant analyses.
node 1 2 3 4
ld1 (Equation 7) -12 -12.23 -18 -8
ld2 (Equation 7) 4 -1.37 -6.6 -6.45
ld1 (Equation 8) 5.02 12.17 15.9 11.85
ld2 (Equation 8) -6.28 -12.23 -10.93 -16
log(Ti/(10$ ^6$-Ti-V)) -4.65 -6 -4.11 -5.22
log(V/(10$ ^6$-Ti-V)) 7.36 10.5 7.36 10.5
log(Zr/(10$ ^6$-Ti-Zr)) -13 -7 -13 -7
log(Ti/(10$ ^6$-Ti-Zr)) -4.28 -4.45 -5.36 -4.72
log(100xZr/Ti) -2.5 2 -2.5 2
log(300xY/Ti) -0.48 0.53 -0.97 0.17
log(Zr/(8xNb)) -2 2 0.41 3
log(Y/(2xNb)) -1.49 2.92 0.19 1.81
log(3xTh/Hf) -1.49 1.43 -0.07 2.81
log(3xTa/Hf) -2.48 -1.5 -0.86 1
log(Si/(25xTi)) -1.26 -0.2 -0.05 2
log(40xSr/Ti) -2.15 2.98 0.39 -0.77
log(Eu/(5xLu)) -1.23 0.5 0.03 -0.61
log(Sr/(500xLu)) -1 2.33 1 -5
log(50xV/Ti) -2 1.1 0.57 2
log(250xSc/Ti) -0.54 2 -0.39 -1.41

Table 7: Comparison between old and new decision boundaries using the test data.
true Pearce and Cann (1973) LDA QDA
affinity IAB MORB out of bounds IAB MORB IAB MORB
IAB 18 22 2 36 11 32 15
MORB 0 5 6 0 11 3 8
true Shervais (1982) LDA QDA
affinity IAB MORB OIB out of bounds IAB MORB OIB IAB MORB OIB
IAB 17 10 0 0 19 8 0 19 8 0
MORB 0 47 2 3 2 39 12 4 37 12
OIB 0 2 28 6 0 0 36 0 0 36
true Pearce and Cann (1973) LDA QDA
affinity IAB & MORB OIB out of bounds IAB & MORB OIB IAB & MORB OIB
IAB 36 3 6 42 3 42 3
MORB 8 0 3 11 0 11 0
OIB 3 24 2 5 24 5 24
true Meschede (1986) LDA QDA
affinity IAB & MORB OIB out of bounds IAB & MORB OIB IAB & MORB OIB
IAB 22 0 1 21 2 23 0
MORB 8 0 0 8 0 8 0
OIB 3 23 1 4 23 4 23
true Wood (1980) LDA QDA
affinity IAB MORB & OIB out of bounds IAB MORB & OIB IAB MORB & OIB
IAB 12 14 0 12 14 14 12
MORB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
OIB 0 10 0 0 10 0 10