Accessibility and Public Transport Research at UCL

Transport Co-ordination Centre



Following a review of the local authority transport service in Hackney, we recommended that the Borough set up a Transport Co-ordination Centre. This would be based on a service specification drawn up in consultation with users, carers, transport purchasers fro the local authority and transport providers. The TCC is an independent body which procures the most-appropriate-least-cost transport service available aty the time of booking for the local authority service users. The TCC provides this service to users of either the Education or Social Services Departments.

A pilot project was started in 1999, to co-ordinate all the taxi work and 10% of the small bus work for the Borough. This resulted in an immediate 12% saving in costs for the Borough and a step increase in the quality of the service being provided. The TCC has also started working with North London Dial-a-Ride to provide compatible and cost-effective services making productive use of down time and generally reducing trips costs per passenger.

We are working with Hackney Community Transport on this project.


Nick Tyler

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Last updated April 2001
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