Automatic Control Group

The Automatic Control Group in the Mechanical Engineering Department, UCL pursues research in various areas including:

robotics image processing inspection


Image Processing
& Machine Vision


offshore systems marine engineering biomedical engineering

Offshore Systems

Marine Engineering

Biomedical Engineering

UCL academic staff responsible for ACG projects include:

Prof David Broome, Dr Alistair Greig, Dr Richard Buchnall, Dr Mike Dewar

Research associates/students:

J Tisdall, D Wilson, A Fairweather, A Watkins, S Rivas, B Hunter, T Larkum, R Patel

ACG work closely with other staff, including:

Prof W Dover, Prof R Collins, Dr S Dharmavasan, Dr J Rudlin, Dr R Kare, Dr F Brennan, Ms S Peers of the NDE Group, Mechanical Engineering department, UCL

Dr C Nightingale, Dr P Williams, Dr D Salters, Mr M Guerrier of IC Engines Group

Dr M Hall, Mr T Larkum, Dr D Topp, Dr M Lugg etc of TSC


Automatic Control Group Department of Mechanical Engineering
University College London
Torrington Place
London WC1E 7JE
tel. +44 (0)171 380 7178 fax. +44 (0)171 388 0180


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uclUCL home-page. Last modified 21/02/1997