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Sexual selection in plants

# Andersson, M. 1994. ch. 17: Sexual Selection in Plants. pp. 396-432 In: Sexual Selection. Princeton Univ. Press.

§ Barrett, SCH, Harder, LD. 1996. Ecology and evolution of plant mating. TREE 11: 73-79.

%§ Bell, G. 1985. On the function of flowers. Proc. Roy. Soc. Series B. 224: 223-265.

§ Delph, LF, Galloway, LF, Stanton, ML. 1996.  Sexual dimorphism in flower size.  Am. Nat. 148: 299-320.

§ Arista, M. & P. L. Ortiz. 2007. Differential gender selection on floral size: an experimental approach using Cistus salvifolius. J. Ecol., 95: 973-982.

# Queller, D.C. 1987. Sexual selection in flowering plants. In Sexual Selection: Testing the Alternatives. Ed. J. Bradbury & J. Maynard Smith.

§ Snow, A.A. & Spira, T.P. 1991. Pollen vigour and the potential for sexual selection in plants. Nature 352: 796-797.

Willson, M.F. 1991. Sexual selection in plants and animals. Trends Ecol. Evol. 5: 210-214.

§ Carlson, J. E. 2007. Male-biased nectar production in a protandrous herb matches predictions of sexual selection theory in plants. Amer. J. Bot., 94: 674-682.

Reproductive isolation in plants

§ Bradshaw, H. D. and D. W. Schemske. 2003. Allele substitution at a flower locus produces a pollinator shift in monkeyflowers. Nature, 426: 176-178.

§ Ramsey, J., H. D. Bradshaw and D. W. Schemske. 2003. Components of reproductive isolation between the monkeyflowers Mimulus lewisii and M. cardinalis (Phrymaceae). Evolution, 57: 1520-1534.

§ Kay, K. M. 2006. Reproductive isolation between two closely related hummingbird-pollinated neotropical gingers. Evolution, 60: 538-552.

#? Levin, DA 1978 The origin of isolating mechanisms in flowering plants. Evol. Biol. 11: 185-317.

# MacNair, MR, Gardner, M. 1998 The evolution of edaphic endemics. In: Endless Forms: Species and Speciation. (Eds: Howard, DJ, Berlocher,S) Oxford University Press, New York, 157-171.

Mate guarding

# Thornhill, R, Alcock, J. 1983 The evolution of insect mating systems. Harvard University Press

Rowe, L, Arnqvist, G, Sih, A, & Krupa, JJ. 1994. Sexual conflict and the evolutionary ecology of mating patterns: water striders as a model system. Trends Ecol. Evol. 9: 289-293.

# Arnqvist, G. 1997. The evolution of water strider mating systems: causes and consequences of sexual conflicts. In: Choe, JC, & Crespi, BJ. The Evolution of mating systems in Insects and Arachnids. Cambridge University Press. pp. 146-163.

§ Fairbairn, DJ 1988 Sexual selection for homogamy in the Gerridae: an extension of Ridley's comparative approach. Evolution 42: 1212-1222.

Wilcox, RS 1984 Male copulatory guarding enhances female foraging in a water strider. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 15: 171-174.

Hayashi, K. 1985. Alternative mating strategies in Gerris elongatus. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 16: 301-306.

# Parker, GA 1984. Sperm competition and ethe evolution of animal mating strategies. In: Smith, RL: Sperm competition and the evoltuion of animal mating systems. Academic Press, New York. pp. 1-60.

§ Sherman, P. 1989 Mate guarding as paternity insurance in Idaho ground squirrels. Nature 338: 418-420.

Ecological genetics of land snails

§ Jones, J.S., Leith, B.H., & Rawlings, P. 1977. Polymorphism in Cepaea: a problem with too many solutions? Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 8: 109-143.

Johnson, MS 1981 Effects of migration and habitat choice on shell banding frequencies iin the snail Theba pisana at a habitat boundary. Heredity 47: 121-134.

Cowie, RH 1985 Microhabitat choice and high temperature tolerance in the land snail Theba pisana. J. Zool. 207: 201-211.

Johnson, MS 1987 Founder effects and geographic variation in the land snail Theba pisana. Heredity 61: 133-142.

Cowie, RH. 1990 Climatic selection on body color in the land snail Theba pisana (Pulmonata: Helicidae). Heredity 65:123-126.

§ Thomaz, D, Guiller, A, Clarke, B. 1996  Extreme divergence of mitochondrial DNA within species of pulmonate land snails. Proceedings of the Royal Society Ser. B: 263: 363-368.

Cowie, RH, Jones, JS. 1998 Gene frequency changes in Cepaea snails on the Marlborough Downs over 25 years. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 65: 233-255.

Using variation in gene frequencies to measure population structure

§ Bossart, JL. and Pashley Prowell, D. 1998. Genetic estimates of population structure and gene flow: limitations, lessons and new directions. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 13: 202-206.

# Mallet, J. 2001. Gene flow.  In Woiwod, I.P., Reynolds, D.R. & Thomas, C.D. (eds.).  Insect Movement: Mechanisms and Consequences. CABI, Wallingford, UK, in press.  Click for REPRINT (only parts are relevant).

§ Preziosi, RF & Fairbairn, DJ. 1992. Genetic population structure and levels of gene flow in the stream dwelling waterstrider Aquarius (= Gerris) remigis (Hemiptera: Gerridae). Evolution 46, 430-444.

§ Slatkin, M. 1987. Gene flow and the geographic structure of natural populations. Science 236: 787-792.

§ Whitlock, MC, McCauley, DE. 1999.  Indirect measures of gene flow and migration: Fst  1/(4Nm+1). Heredity 82, 117-125.

Direct methods for measuring population density and migration

§ Jones, JS et al. 1981. Gene flow and the geographic distribution of a molecular polymorphism in Drosophila pseudoobscura Genetics 98: 157-178.

Begon, M. et al. 1980. Effective size of a natural population measured by three methods. Heredity 45: 335-350.

§ Greenwood, J.J.D. 1974. Effective population numbers in the snail Cepaea nemoralis. Evolution 28: 513-526; Evolution 30:186.

# Mallet, J. 2001. Gene flow.  In Woiwod, I.P., Reynolds, D.R. & Thomas, C.D. (eds.).  Insect Movement: Mechanisms and Consequences. CABI, Wallingford, UK, in press.  Click for REPRINT (only parts are relevant).

§ Preziosi, R.F. & Fairbairn, D.J. 1992. Genetic population structure and levels of gene flow in the stream dwelling waterstrider Aquarius (= Gerris) remigis (Hemiptera: Gerridae). Evolution 46, 430-444.

The evolution of eusociality in haplodiploids: ecology versus genetics
(for those who have NOT done a haplodiploidy tutorial in BIOL2011 - Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology)

# Krebs, JR & Davies NB. 1993.  Introduction to Behavioural Ecology, any edition. Chapters on Selfishness & Altruism, and on Altruism in social insects.  (these contain introductory material only)

# Bourke, AFG & Franks NR 1995. Social evolution in ants. Princeton UP. Chapter 3.

§ Shreeves, G.E., Cant, M.A., Bolton, A. & Field, J.  2003 . Insurance-based advantages for subordinate co-foundresses in a temperate paper wasp Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 270:1617-1622.

# Reeve, HK. 1991. Polistes. In: Ross, KG, Matthews, RW (Eds.) The Social Biology of Wasps. Comstock, Ithaca, NY. pp. 99-148.

§ Reeve, HK. 1993. Haplodiploidy, eusociality, and absence of male parental and alloparental care in Hymenoptera: a unifying genetic hypothesis distinct from kin selection theory.  Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. B. 342: 335-352.

§ Field, J.P., Foster, W., Shreeves, G. & Sumner, S. 1998. Ecological constraints on independent nesting in facultatively eusocial hover wasps. Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B  265: 973-977.

Queller, D & Strassmann, JE 1998. Kin selection and social insects. BioScience 48(3): 165-175.
Thermal adaptation

§ Huey, RB, Partridge, L. & Fowler, K. 1991. Thermal sensitivity of Drosophila melanogaster responds rapidly to laboratory natural selection. Evolution 45: 751-756.

§ Huey, RB, Gilchrist, GW, Carlson, ML, Berrigan, D & Serra, L. 2000.  Rapid evolution of a geographic cline in size in an introduced fly. Science 287:308-309.

# Johnston, IA & Bennett, AB (eds.) 1996. Animals and Temperature. Cambridge University Press. (selected chapters!)

§ Jones, JS 1982 Genetic differences in individual behaviour associated with shell polymorphism in the snail Cepaea nemoralis. Nature 298: 749-750.

§ Jones, JS, Coyne, JA, Partridge, L 1987 Estimation of the thermal niche of Drosophila melanogaster using a temperature sensitive mutation. Amer. Nat. 130: 83-90.

§ Parmesan,C 1996. Climate and species' range. Nature 382, 765-766.

§ Thomas,CD; Bodsworth,EJ; Wilson,RJ; Simmons,AD; Davies,ZG; Musche,M; Conradt,L 2001 Ecological and evolutionary processes at expanding range margins. Nature 411: 577-581.

§ Watt, WB, Carter, PA, Donohue, K. 1986 Females' choice of "good genotypes" as mates is promoted by an insect mating system. Science 233: 1187-1190.