Other Experiments and Collaborations

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Other Experiments and Collaborations

Here is a list of other projects in which I am either involved or for which I have worked/collaborated in the past.

Cosmic Microwave Background.

ClOVER Cambridge University (PI)
Cardiff University (PI)
Manchester University (PI)
Oxford University(PI)
The Clover experiment was originally designed to detect the B-mode signal of the Cosmic Microwave Background relic. It comprised of 2 instruments on separate telescopes installed at the Atacama desert in Chile, scanning the sky at 3 frequencies (97,150 and 225 GHz). Development was halted at a very late stage due to STFC funding cuts. Link
EBEX University of Minnesota (PI)
(see link for all institutions)
The E and B EXperiment is a long duration balloon borne experiment. It carries --- detectors at 3 different frequencies (150,220 and 410 GHZ). It's aim is to disentangle the two modes of polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background by performing continuous rotation of its polarization modulating element. My involvement was in the build and spectral calibration of the achromatic Half-Wave plate modulating element. Link
PolarBeaR PolarBear University of California,Berkeley(PI)
(see link for all institutions)
PolarBear is an experiment that aims to detect the presence of the B-mode signal of the CMB polarization. It is based at ---- It initially employs a focal plane entirely populated at 150GHz to be upgraded to 3 frequencies. It has revolutionary new spectral filtering concept performing frequency selection at chip level. My involvement was in the build of the first single plate modulating element. Link


MAD Universita' di Roma "LaSapienza"(PI) This instrument deployed at the Testagrigia Observatory in the Alps, has a 9 pixel by 4 spectral channels photometer tuned for detailed study of the Sunyaev Zel'dovich effect. Link
OLIMPO Universita' di Roma "LaSapienza"(PI)
(see link for all institutions)
This long duration balloon borne instrument with four spectral channels is designed to perform a statistical survey of the SZ-effect over many clusters of galaxy. First flight is due in 2011. Link
POL2 - Scuba2 Polarimeter Universite' de Montreal (PI)
(see link for all institutions)
The Sub-millimetre Common User Bolometric Array 2 is a far infrared instrument which employs Transition Edge Superconductive bolometer arrays. It will be fitted with a polarimeter which employs as a modulating element a sapphire Achromatic Halfwave plate which I have built and tested (link to pubblication). Link

Galactic magnetic fields and star-formation.

MKID-Pol University of Colorado
California Institute of Technology
Cardiff University
This polarimeter will be mounted inside the MKID instrument at the Caltech Submillimetre Observatory (CSO). The spectral bands between 700 micron and 1.4mm of wavelength will allow detailed studies of the role of magnetic field in dust filament areas of our galaxy. Link
Universita' di Roma "LaSapienza"
Cardiff University
PILOT is a Long Duration baloon borne experiment which will measure the polarised emission from the dust grains present in the Inter-Stellar Medium of our galaxy. It's spectral coverage will overlap one of the Planck HFI unpolarised frequency bands and therefore extend our knowledge of the polarised nature of the galactic dust emission to higher frequencies while maintaining a solid foothold on the total intensity calibration. Link

New Designs and Concepts.

B-Pol Numerous (see link) The Next Generation Satellite for the detection of the polarisation mode imprinted on the Cosmic Microwave background from gravitational waves during inflation. The design with spectral channels from 45 to 350 GHz was proposed in Mid-2007 and is supported by scientists in 15 countries over the globe. Link
Far InfraRed Interferometer (FIRI) Numerous - study ... Link
CVPM NASA - Goddard (PI) ... Link
Mid-Infrared Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer (MIIFTS) Cardiff - study ... Link
Modulating Stokes Spectro-Polarimeter (MSSP) UCL - study ... Link

Last Updated: May 2010 by G. Savini

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